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发布日期:2024-06-27 作者: 来源: 点击数:












2001年1月~6月,日本地质调查所特别研究员(STA Fellow);














学术与社会团体兼职:国际岩石力学学会会员,中国煤炭学会理事,中国岩石力学与工程学会常务理事暨软岩工程与深部灾害控制分会理事长、隧道掘进机分会常务理事;国家自然科学基金委员会第十二、十三届专家评审组成员;《Rock Mechanics Bulletin》《岩石力学与工程学报》《岩土力学》《矿业科学学报》《煤炭科学技术》《建筑科学与工程学报》编委,《隧道与地下工程灾害防治》副主编,《煤炭科技》编委会副主任,《Tunneling and Undergroud Space Technology》特刊副主编。湖北省第十一、十二届政协常委,民盟中央第十一、十二届委员会委员。

主要从事深部工程围岩稳定与碎胀大变形灾害控制、复杂地层TBM高效掘进、工程灾害防控及智能化决策控制技术、煤矿采掘过程煤岩信息智能化感知识别、裂隙岩体热-力-水多过程耦合致灾机理模拟及控制等研究,先后主持国家自然科学基金项目10项(含重点项目3项、重大项目课题1项、国际合作重大项目1项),主持国家973计划项目等国家级重大重点项目10多项,重大工程科研项目40余项。发表SCI检索论文250余篇(第一/通讯作者136篇)、 EI检索论文460余篇(第一/通讯作者276篇)。获发明专利68项,出版专著3部。获国家科技进步二等奖4项(排名1,1,1,2)、国家级教学成果二等奖1项(排名1)、省部级科技进步特等奖1项、一等奖4项、二等奖4项;湖北省教学成果特等奖1项(排名1)。








(5)国家级教学成果奖二等奖:思政引领 目标导向 多方协同—土木类高素质新工科人才培养体系构建与实践,2022年(排名第一)


(7)湖北省教学成果奖特等奖:思政引领、 目标导向、 多方协同机制下土木类专业人才培养体系的构建与实践,2022年(排名第一)






(13)中国煤炭工业科学技术奖一等奖:煤矿深部破碎软弱围岩稳定性监测控制关键技术及应用, 2022年










(3)一种恒阻大变形锚杆隧道围岩加固数值模拟方法(ZL 202110429026.8)


(5)隧道围岩破裂碎胀大变形失稳灾变过程数值模拟方法(ZL 20211042902.8)



(8)一种适用于深埋隧洞围岩波速的现场测试方法(ZL 202010909665.X)

(9)一种有限元-离散元耦合数值模拟程序(FDEM)输入参数快速标定方法(ZL 202011186326.X)


(11)一种工程岩体力学参数快速自动测量装置及应用方法(ZL 202010363954.4)

(12)长距离深埋隧洞TBM掘进施工中排水和降温系统及方法(ZL 202010190082.6)







(19)一种确定损伤岩石起裂应力指标的方法(ZL 201910375514.8)

(20)一种双向加载的岩石钻孔取样试验系统及取样方法(ZL 201910354644.3)

(21)全断面隧道掘进机掘进挤压变形卡机灾害安全控制方法(ZL 201910924381.5)

(22)一种TBM掘进辅助破岩的实验系统及试验方法(ZL 201910596335.7)


(24)一种裂隙显影剂的制备方法及其岩体裂隙探测应用方法(ZL 201810948487.4)

(25)一种岩石应力解除试验小钻孔内壁应变片粘贴方法及装置(ZL 201810099199.6)

(26)一种三维TBM护盾外表面围岩荷载识别方法(ZL 201811243507.4)


(28)一种用于六向压应力传感器的标定装置 (ZL 201810220701.4 )

(29)一种自溶解注浆加固设备(ZL 201710005052.1)



(32)一种隧/巷道掌子面炮眼快速散点定位装置及方法(ZL 201710317558.6)



(35)一种相似材料岩体试样断续节理精确定位制作装置(ZL 201610621374.4)

(36)一种测试围岩对全断面隧道掘进机护盾挤压力的压力盒(ZL 201610361362.2)

(37)一种煤矿巷道围岩深部多点位移计(ZL 201610986473.2)

(38)一种适用于TBM隧洞的声发射监测实施系统(ZL 201610053989.1)







(45)煤矿深部巷道区域围岩结构演化过程探测分析方法 (ZL201510059350.X)










(55)A deep softrock geostress test method and device based on rheological stress recovery principle (澳洲发明专利2013101531)










(65)微生物地下水渗流阻塞观测的方法及装置(ZL 2009 1 0060435.4)

(66)砂层渗流淤堵模拟装置(ZL 200910061018.1)





1. Ping Liu, Quansheng Liu*, Xing Huang, Mingming Hu, Yin Bo, Dong Yuan, Xianqi Xie. Direct Tensile Test and FDEM Numerical Study on Anisotropic Tensile Strength of Kangding Slate. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2023.

2. Lei Weng, Zhijun Wu, Zhaofei Chu, Haifeng Lu, Xiangyu Xu, Quansheng Liu. Evolution of the Unfrozen Water Content for Partially-Saturated Sandstones and the Critical Degree of Saturation. Rock Mech Rock Eng 56, 1–18 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00603-022-03081-6

3. Yin Bo, Xing Huang, Yucong Pan, Yanfang Feng, Penghai Deng, Feng Gao, Ping Liu, Quansheng Liu*. Robust model for tunnel squeezing using Bayesian optimized classifiers with partially missing database. Underground Space. 2023;10(91-117.022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00603-022-03036-x

4. Yin Xiuliang, Wu Zhijun, Weng Lei, Liu Quansheng*. Numerical simulation of the grouting penetration process by developing a temperature-dependent spatial–temporal rheological model. Structural Concrete. 2023.

5. Lei Sun, Xuhai Tang, Aly Abdelaziz, Quansheng Liu, Giovanni Grasselli. Stability analysis of reservoir slopes under fluctuating water levels using the combined finite-discrete element method. Acta Geotech. (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11440-023-01895-4.

6. Deng Penghai, Liu Quansheng*. A new floor heave mechanism considering the influences of the in-situ stress lateral coefficient and rock tensile strength. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering. 2023:1-32.

7. Quansheng Liu, Yiming Lei, Xin Yin, Jinshan Lei, Yucong Pan & Lei Sun. Development and application of a novel probabilistic back-analysis framework for geotechnical parameters in shield tunneling based on the surrogate model and Bayesian theory. Acta Geotech. (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11440-023-01850-3.

8. Zhijun Wu, Wenjun Cui, Lei Weng, Quansheng Liu. Modeling Geothermal Heat Extraction-Induced Potential Fault Activation by Developing an FDEM-Based THM Coupling Scheme. Rock Mech Rock Eng 56, 3279–3299 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00603-023-03218-1.

9. Lei Weng, Zhijun Wu, Zhiyang Wang, Zhaofei Chu, Xiangyu Xu, Quansheng Liu. Acoustic Emission Source Localization in Heterogeneous Rocks with Random Inclusions Using a PRM-Based Wave Velocity Model. Rock Mech Rock Eng 56, 3301–3315 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00603-023-03236-z.

10. Chenyu Xu, Quansheng Liu*, Xuhai Tang, Lei Sun, Penghai Deng, He Liu. Dynamic stability analysis of jointed rock slopes using the combined finite-discrete element method (FDEM) [J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2023, 160(105556.

11. Honggan Yu, Chengjin Qin, Jianfeng Tao, Chengliang Liu, Quansheng Liu. A multi-channel decoupled deep neural network for tunnel boring machine torque and thrust prediction. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2023;133(104949.

12. Xuewei Liu, Wei Deng, Bin Liu, Quansheng Liu, Yuanguang Zhu, Ying Fan. Influence analysis on the shear behaviour and failure mode of grout-filled jointed rock using 3D DEM coupled with the cohesive zone model. Computers and Geotechnics. 2023;155(105165.

13. Chenglei Du, Yucong Pan, Quansheng Liu*, Xing Huang & Xin Yin. Rockburst inoculation process at different structural planes and microseismic warning technology: a case study. Bull Eng Geol Environ 81, 499 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-022-02980-w

14. Zhijun Wu, Wenjun Cui, Lei Weng, Quansheng Liu. A 2D FDEM-based THM coupling scheme for modeling deformation and fracturing of the rock mass under THM effects. Computers and Geotechnics. 2022;152(105019.

15. Deng Penghai, Liu Quansheng*, Lu Haifeng. A novel joint element parameter calibration procedure for the combined finite-discrete element method. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2022;276(108924.

16. Deng Penghai, Liu Quansheng*, Lu Haifeng. FDEM numerical study on the mechanical characteristics and failure behavior of heterogeneous rock based on the Weibull distribution of mechanical parameters. Computers and Geotechnics. 2023;154(105138.

17. Sun Lei, Tao Siji, Liu Quansheng. Frost Crack Propagation and Interaction in Fissured Rocks Subjected to Freeze–thaw Cycles: Experimental and Numerical Studies. Rock Mech Rock Eng 56, 1077–1097 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00603-022-03111-3

18. Mengyi Li, Zhijun Wu, Lei Weng, Yuan Zhou, Quansheng Liu*. Evaluating the pore characteristics of granite in disposal system under thermo-hydro-mechanical (T-H-M) coupling. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 2022;160(105237.

19. Yin Xin, Liu Quansheng*, Huang Xing, et al. Development and application of a novel hybrid CEEMDAN-LWT denoising approach in microseismic monitoring. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00024-022-03115-8

20. Zhang Xiaoping, Zhang Qi, Liu Quansheng, Xiao Ruihua. A Numerical Study of Wave Propagation and Cracking Processes in Rock-Like Material under Seismic Loading Based on the Bonded-Particle Model Approach [J]. Engineering, 2022, 17(140-150.

21. Wang Zhiyang, Wu Zhijun, Chu Zhaofei, Weng Lei, Liu Quansheng* . An Improved Wave Velocity Model for Acoustic Emission Source Localization in Heterogeneous Rock Materials with Unknown Inclusions [J]. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2022, 148(1): 04021122.

22. Xu Chenyu, Liu Quansheng*, Xie Weiqiang, Yukai Wang, Shiping Li, Wanting Lu, Haohao Zhang. Investigation on artificial boundary problem in the combined finite-discrete element method (FDEM) [J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2022, 151(104969.

23. Xu Xiangyu, Wu Zhijun, Liu Quansheng. An improved numerical manifold method for investigating the mechanism of tunnel supports to prevent large squeezing deformation hazards in deep tunnels [J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2022, 151(104941.

24. Xuhai Tang, Yiheng Zhang, Jingjing Xu, Jonny Rutqvist, Mengsu Hu, Zhengzhi Wang, Quansheng Liu. Determining Young's modulus of granite using accurate grain-based modeling with microscale rock mechanical experiments [J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2022, 157(105167.

25. Haifeng Lu, Jinlong Yi, Quansheng Liu, Aide Cao, Aichao Wei, Kai Zhang. A self-dissolved grouting reinforcement method for water-rich soft rock roadway. Bull Eng Geol Environ 81, 256 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-022-02744-6

26. Liu Xuewei, Chen Haixiao, Liu Quansheng, Liu Bin, He Jun. Modelling slurry flowing and analyzing grouting efficiency under hydro-mechanical coupling using numerical manifold method [J]. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2022, 134(66-78.

27. Zhaofei Ch, Zhijun W, Zhiyang Wan, Lei Weng, Quansheng Liu, Lifeng Fan. Micro-mechanism of brittle creep in saturated sandstone and its mechanical behavior after creep damage [J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2022, 149(104994.

28. Mengyi Li, Zhijun Wu, Lei Weng, Jian Ji, Quansheng Liu.Numerical Investigation of Coupled Effects of Temperature and Confining Pressure on Rock Mechanical Properties in Fractured Rock Mass Using Thermal-Stress-Aperture Coupled Model[J].International journal of geomechanics, 2021(10):21.

29. Chenyu Xu, Quansheng Liu*, Jian Wu, Penghai Deng, Ping Liu, Haohao Zhang. Numerical study on P-wave propagation across the jointed rock masses by the combined finite-discrete element method [J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2022, 142(104554.

30. Xuewei Liu, Haixiao Chen, Bin Liu, Wei Deng, Quansheng Liu, Zhizhen Zhang. Experimental and numerical study on failure characteristics and mechanism of coal under different quasi-static loading rates [J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2022, 121(103478.

31. Mengyi Li, Zhijun Wu, Lei Weng, Quansheng Liu*, Zhaofei Chu. Quantitative relationships between the mineral composition and macro mechanical behaviors of granite under different temperatures: Insights from mesostructure-based DEM investigations [J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2022, 148(104838.

32. Xing Huang, Quantai Zhang, Quansheng Liu*, Xuewei Liu, Bin Liu, Junjie Wang, Xin Yin. A real-time prediction method for tunnel boring machine cutter-head torque using bidirectional long short-term memory networks optimized by multi-algorithm [J]. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2022, 14(3): 798-812.

33. Liu Ping, Xie Xianqi, Liu Quansheng*, Deng Penghai, Huangxing, Bo Yin. Influence of the oval hole on rock mechanical mechanism under uniaxial and biaxial compression: insights from the combined finite-discrete element method [J]. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2022, 1-19.

34. Penghai Deng, Quansheng Liu*, Xing Huang, Qi Liu, Hao Ma, Weiwei Li, Acquisition of normal contact stiffness and its influence on rock crack propagation for the combined finite-discrete element method (FDEM), Engineering Fracture Mechanics,2021, 242: 107459, DOI: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2020.107459

35. Penghai Deng, Quansheng Liu*, Xing Huang, Yin Bo, Qi Liu, Weiwei Li, Sensitivity analysis of fracture energies for the combined finite-discrete element method (FDEM), Engineering Fracture Mechanics,2021, 251: 107793, DOI: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2021.107793

36. Penghai Deng, Quansheng Liu*, Xing Huang, Yucong Pan, Jian Wu, FDEM numerical modeling of failure mechanisms of anisotropic rock masses around deep tunnels, Computers and Geotechnics, 2022, 142: 104535, DOI: 10.1016/j.compgeo.2021.104535

37. Zhaofei Chu, Zhijun Wu, Quansheng Liu, Lei Weng, Zhiyang Wang, Yuan Zhou. Evaluating the Microstructure Evolution Behaviors of Saturated Sandstone Using NMR Testing Under Uniaxial Short-Term and Creep Compression. Rock Mech Rock Eng 54, 4905–4927 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00603-021-02538-4

38. Penghai Deng, Quansheng Liu*, Xing Huang, Hao Ma, A new hysteretic damping model and application for the combined finite-discrete element method (FDEM), Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements,2021, 132: 370-382, DOI: 10.1016/j.enganabound.2021.08.021

39. He Liu, Hao Ma, Quansheng Liu, Xuhai Tang, Jacob Fish. An efficient and robust GPGPU-parallelized contact algorithm for the combined finite-discrete element method [J]. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2022, 395(114981.

40. Hao Ma, Weiqin Wang, Quansheng Liu, Yongchao Tian, Yalong Jiang, He Liu, Dan Huang. Extremely large deformation of tunnel induced by rock mass fracture using GPGPU parallel FDEM [J]. International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics, 2022, 46(9): 1782-1807.

41. Bo Yin, Liu Quansheng*, Huang Xing, Pan Yucong; Real-time hard-rock tunnel prediction model for rock mass classification using CatBoost integrated with Sequential Model-Based Optimization, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2022, 124: 104448, DOI: 10.1016/j.tust.2022.104448

42. Sun Lei, Liu Quansheng*, Abdelaziz A, Tang Xuhai, Grasselli G. Simulating the entire progressive failure process of rock slopes using the combined finite-discrete element method. Computers and Geotechnics 2022;141(4):104557.

43. Sun Lei, Liu Quansheng*, Tao Siji, Grasselli G. A novel low-temperature thermo-mechanical coupling model for frost cracking simulation using the finite-discrete element method. Computers and Geotechnics 2022;152(2):105045.

44. Yin Xin, Liu Quansheng*, Huang Xing, et al. Perception model of surrounding rock geological conditions based on TBM operational big data and combined unsupervised-supervised learning. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2022, 120: 104285. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tust.2021.104285

45. Sun Lei, Grasselli G, Liu Quansheng, Tang Xuhai, Abdelaziz A. The role of discontinuities in rock slope stability: Insights from a combined finite-discrete element simulation. Computers and Geotechnics 2022;147(2):104788.

46. Shao Zuliang, Sun Lei, Aboayanah KR, Liu Quansheng, Grasselli G. Investigate the Mode I Fracture Characteristics of Granite After Heating/-LN2 Cooling Treatments. Rock Mech Rock Eng 2022;55(7):4477–96.

47. Yin, Xin, Liu, Quansheng*, Pan, Yucong, et al. A novel tree-based algorithm for real-time prediction of rockburst risk using field microseismic monitoring. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2021, 80: 504. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-021-09802-4

48. Zhaofei Chu, Zhijun Wu, Baoguo Liu, Kui Wu, Xiaomeng Shi, Quansheng Liu. Mechanical response of inclined TBM tunnel due to drainage settlement of deep sandstone aquifer [J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2022, 122(104393.

49. Yin, Xin, Liu, Quansheng*, Pan, Yucong, et al. Strength of stacking technique of ensemble learning in rockburst prediction with imbalanced data: Comparison of eight single and ensemble models. Natural Resources Research, 2021, 30: 1795–1815. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11053-020-09787-0

50. Xin Yin, Feng Gao, Jian Wu, Xing Huang*, Yucong Pan, Quansheng Liu. Compressive strength prediction of sprayed concrete lining in tunnel engineering using hybrid machine learning techniques. Underground Space, 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.undsp.2022.01.003.

51. Xin Yin, Xing Huang*, Yucong Pan, Quansheng Liu*. Point and interval estimation of rock mass boreability for tunnel boring machine using an improved attribute-weighted deep belief network. Acta Geotechnica, 2022. DOI: 10.1007/s11440-022-01651-0.

52. Xing Huang, Shaohua Wang*, Quansheng Liu, Xinyu Wang, Bin Liu, Xiaobo Zhang. Development of a real-time monitoring and calculation method for TBM disc-cutter’s cutting force in complex ground. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2022, 45(5): 961-984. DOI: 10.1520/GTJ20210149.

53. Lei Weng, Zhijun Wu, Silang Zhang, Quansheng Liu, Zhaofei Chu. Real-time characterization of the grouting diffusion process in fractured sandstone based on the low-field nuclear magnetic resonance technique [J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2022, 152(105060.

54. Xing Huang, Quansheng Liu*, Bin Liu, Dongdong Wang*, Xinyu Wang, Chuigang Zeng. Development and in-situ application of a real-time cutting tool forces monitoring system in TBM tunnelling. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2022, 124, 104453. DOI: 10.1016/j.tust.2022.104453.

55. Xing Huang, Quansheng Liu, Yin Bo, Bin Liu*, Ziwei Ding, Quantai Zhang. An elasto-plastic and viscoplastic damage constitutive model for dilatancy and fracturing behavior of soft rock squeezing deformation. Journal of Mountain Science, 2022, 19(3), 826-848. DOI: DOI: 10.1007/s11629-020-6530-4.

56. Xin Yin, Quansheng Liu*, Xing Huang*, Yucong Pan*. Real-time prediction of rockburst intensity using an integrated CNN-Adam-BO algorithm based on microseismic data and its engineering application. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2021, 117, 104133. DOI: 10.1016/j.tust.2021.104133.

57. Wang Zhongwei, Liu Quansheng*. Failure criterion for soft rocks considering intermediate principal stress[J]. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 2021, 31: 565-575. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmst.2021.05.005

58. Wang Zhongwei, Liu Quansheng*, Wang Yuxuan. Thermo-mechanical FDEM model for thermal cracking of rock and granular materials[J]. Powder Technology, 2021, 393: 807-823. DOI: 10.1016/j.powtec. 2021.08.030

59. Ma Hao, Tian Yongchao, Liu Quansheng, Pan Yucong. Experimental study on the influence of height and dip angle of asperity on the mechanical properties of rock joints [J]. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2021, 80(1): 443-471.

60. Wang Yuxuan, Liu Quansheng*. Investigation on fundamental properties and chemical characterization of water-soluble epoxy resin modified cement grout[J].Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 299:123877-.DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.123877.

61. Xiangyu Xu, Zhijun Wu, Hao Sun, Lei Weng, Zhaofei Chu, Quansheng Liu. An extended numerical manifold method for simulation of grouting reinforcement in deep rock tunnels [J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2021, 115(104020.

62. Liu He, Liu Quansheng*, Ma Hao, Jacob Fish.A novel GPGPU-parallelized contact detection algorithm for combined finite-discrete element method[J].International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2021, 144:104782.

63. Sun Lei, Tao Siji, Tang Xuhai, Liu Quansheng. Simulation of the nonplanar three-dimensional thermal cracking using the finite element-meshfree method. Applied Mathematical Modelling 2021;99(4):106–28.

64. Liu Quansheng*, Xu Xiaoyu, Tang Xuhai, A Numerical Study Of The Influence Of Cyclic Grouting And Consolidation Using Tough2, Bulletin Of Engineering Geology And The Environment, 202180: 145-155

65. Liu Quansheng, Wang Xinyu, Huang Xing, Prediction Model Of Rock Mass Class Using Classification And Regression Tree Integrated Adaboost Algorithm Based On Tbm Driving Data, Tunnelling And Underground Space Technology, 2020,‏ 106:103595

66. Bin Tang, Mathias Yeboah, Hua Cheng, Yongzhi Tang, Zhishu Yao, Chuanbing Wang, Chuanxin Rong, Zhenhua Wang, Quansheng Liu.Numerical study and field performance of rockbolt support schemes in TBM-excavated coal mine roadways: A case study[J].Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2021, 115(Supplement C):104053.DOI:10.1016/j.tust.2021.104053.

67. Bin Tang, Zhenhua Wang, Hua Cheng, Mathias Yeboah, Yongzhi Tang, Zhishu Yao, Chuanbing Wang, Chuanxin Rong, Quansheng Liu. Experimental Study on Pipe Strength and Field Performance of Pipe Jacking TBM in Deep-Buried Coal Mines. Int J Civ Eng 19, 1327–1338 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40999 -021-00632-w

68. Kong Xiaoxuan, Liu Quansheng, Lu Haifeng. Effects of Rock Specimen Size on Mechanical Properties in Laboratory Testing[J].Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 2021, 147(5):04021013.DOI:10. 1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0002478.

69. Siji Tao, Xuhai Tang, Jonny Rutqvist, Quansheng Liu, Mengsu Hu. The influence of stress anisotropy and stress shadow on frost cracking in rock [J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2021, 133(103967.

70. Chu Zhaofei, Wu Zhijun, Liu Quansheng*, Liu Baoguo, Sun Jinglai. Analytical Solution for Lined Circular Tunnels in Deep Viscoelastic Burgers Rock Considering the Longitudinal Discontinuous Excavation and Sequential Installation of Liners [J]. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2021, 147(4): 04021009.

71. He Liu, Quansheng Liu*, Bin Liu, Xuhai Tang, Hao Ma, Yucong Pan, Jacob Fish. An efficient and robust method for structural distributed load identification based on mesh superposition approach [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021, 151(107383.

72. Weng Lei, Wu Zhijun, Liu Quansheng, Chu Zhaofei, Zhang Silang. Evolutions of the unfrozen water content of saturated sandstones during freezing process and the freeze-induced damage characteristics [J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2021, 142(104757.

73. Liu Bin, Sang Haomin, Liu Quansheng, Liu He, Pan Yucong, Kan Yongshui. Laboratory Study on Diffusion and Migration of Grout in Rock Mass Fracture Network [J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2021, 21(1): 04020242.

74. Zhou Yuan, Wu Zhijun, Weng Lei, Liu Quansheng. Seepage characteristics of chemical grout flow in porous sandstone with a fracture under different temperature conditions: An NMR based experimental investigation [J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2021, 142(104764.

75. Liu Xuewei, Liu Quansheng, Huang Shibing, Liu Bin, Liu Jiang. Effects of cyclic wetting-drying on the mechanical behavior and improved damage model for sandstone [J]. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2021, 39(10): 1244-1254.

76. Pan Yucong, Liu Quansheng*, Liu Qi, Liu Jianping, Peng Xingxin, Huang Xing, Wei Mingbao (2020) Full-scale linear cutting tests to check and modify a widely-used semi-theoretical model for disc cutter cutting force prediction. Acta Geotechnica,15: 1481–1500. Doi: 10.1007/s11440-019-00852-4

77. Liu Xuewei, Liu Quansheng*, He Jun, Numerical Simulation Of Cracking Process in Rock Mass Under the Coupled Thermo-Mechanical Condition, International Journal Of Computational Methods,2020,17(9): 1950065

78. Wang Weiqin, Liu Quansheng*, Ma Hao, Numerical Analysis Of Material Modeling Rock Reinforcement In 2D FDEM And Parameter Study, Computers And Geotechnics, 2020126103767

79. Xuewei Liu, Cheng Hu, Quansheng Liu, Jun He.Grout penetration process simulation and grouting parameters analysis in fractured rock mass using numerical manifold method[J].Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2021, 123:93-106.DOI:10.1016/j.enganabound.2020.11.008.

80. Liu Quansheng, Wang Weiqin, Ma Hao. Parallelized combined finitediscrete element (FDEM) procedure using multiGPU with CUDA[J].International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2020, 44(2).DOI:10.1002/nag.3011.

81. Deng Penghai, Liu Quansheng*, Ma Hao, Time-Dependent Crack Development Processes Around Underground ExcavationsTunnelling And Underground Space Technology2020‏ 103103518

82. Liu Xuewei, Liu Quansheng, Kang Yongshui, Investigation on Relationship of the Burial Depth And Mechanical Properties for Sedimentary RockArabian Journal of Geosciences2020‏13760

83. Tao Siji, Tang Xuhai, Rutqvist Jonny, Mengsu Hu, Quansheng Liu. Simulating three dimensional thermal cracking with TOUGH-FEMM [J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2020, 124(103654.

84. Lei Guangfeng, Liu Quansheng*, Peng Xingxin, Experimental Study On Mechanical Properties Of Fractured Rock Mass Under Different Anchoring ModesEuropean Journal Of Environmental And Civil Engineering2020‏24(7)‏ 931-948

85. Lei Weng, Zhijun Wu, Abbas Taheri, Quansheng Liu, Huai Lu. Deterioration of dynamic mechanical properties of granite due to freeze-thaw weathering: Considering the effects of moisture conditions [J]. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2020, 176(103092.

86. Wu Zhijun, Ji Xunkai, Liu Quansheng, Fan Lifeng. Study of microstructure effect on the nonlinear mechanical behavior and failure process of rock using an image-based-FDEM model [J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2020, 121(103480.

87. Zhijun Wu, Yuan Zhou, Lei Weng, Quansheng Liu, Yang Xiao. Investigation of thermal-induced damage in fractured rock mass by coupled FEM-DEM method. Comput Geosci 24, 1833–1843 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10596-020-09970-5

88. Bin Liu, Haomin Sang, Quansheng Liu, Yongshui Kang, Yucong Pan, Chaobo Lu, and Chuanqing Zhang. New Algorithm for Simulating Grout Diffusion and Migration in Fractured Rock Masses [J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2020, 20(3): 04019188.

89. Weng Lei, Wu Zhijun, Liu Quansheng. Influence of heating/cooling cycles on the micro/macrocracking characteristics of Rucheng granite under unconfined compression. Bull Eng Geol Environ 79, 1289–1309 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-019-01638-4

90. Chu Zhaofei, Wu Zhijun, Liu Quansheng*, Liu Baoguo. Analytical Solutions for Deep-Buried Lined Tunnels Considering Longitudinal Discontinuous Excavation in Rheological Rock Mass [J]. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2020, 146(6): 04020047.

91. Pan Yucong, Liu Quansheng*, Liu Qi,  Full-Scale Linear Cutting Tests To Check And Modify A Widely Used Semi-Theoretical Model For Disc Cutter Cutting Force PredictionActa Geotechnica2020‏ 15(6)‏ 1481-1500

92. Zhu Yuanguang, Liu Quansheng, Liu Xuewei, Analytical Solutions For The Circular Stress Transducer Embedded In Rheological Rock MassApplied Mathematical Modelling202081538-558.

93. Tang S-H, Zhang X-P, Liu Q-S, Chen P, Sun X-T, Sun L et al. Prediction and analysis of replaceable scraper wear of slurry shield TBM in dense sandy ground: A case study of Sutong GIL Yangtze River Crossing Cable Tunnel. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 2020;95(5):103090.

94. Sun Lei, Grasselli Giovanni, Liu Quansheng, Tang Xuhai .Thermal cracking simulation of functionally graded materials using the combined finite-discrete element method[J].Computational particle mechanics, 2020, 7(5).

95. Liu Quan-Sheng, Wu Jian, Zhang Xiao-Ping, Microseismic Monitoring to Characterize Structure-Type Rockbursts: A Case Study of a TBM-Excavated TunnelRock Mechanics and Rock Engineering202053(7)‏ 2995-3013

96. Quansheng Liu, Weiqin Wang, Hao Ma, Parallelized Combined Finite Discrete Element (FDEM) Procedure Using Multi-GPU With CUDA, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2020, 44(2): 208-238

97. Penghai Deng, Quansheng Liu*, Influence of the Softening Stress Path on Crack Development around Underground Excavations: Insights from 2D-FDEM Modelling, Computers and Geotechnics, 2020,117: 103239

98. Sun Lei, Liu Quansheng*, Grasselli Giovanni, Simulation of Thermal Cracking in Anisotropic Shale Formations Using the Combined Finite-Discrete Element Method, Computers And Geotechnics, 2020: 103237

99. Yongshui Kang; Congcong Hou; Bin Liu; Quansheng Liu*; Haomin Sang; Yongchao Tian. Frost deformation and a quasi-elastic-plastic-creep constitutive model for isotropic freezing rock, International Journal of Geomechanics, 2020, 20(8): 04020119. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE) GM.1943 -5622.0001749

100. Weng Lei, Wu Zhijun, Liu Quansheng. Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Dry and Water-Saturated Siltstones Under Sub-Zero Temperatures. Rock Mech Rock Eng 53, 4381–4401 (2020). https://doi.org/10. 1007/s00603-019-02039-5

101. Zhijun Wu, Bo Zhang, Lei Weng, Quansheng Liu, Louis Ngai Yuen Wong. A New Way to Replicate the Highly Stressed Soft Rock: 3D Printing Exploration. Rock Mech Rock Eng 53, 467–476 (2020). https://doi.org/10. 1007/s00603-019-01926-1

102. Yucong Pan, Quansheng Liu*, Xingxin Peng, Qi Liu, Jianping Liu, Xing Huang, Xianze Cui, Tao Cai, Full‑Scale Linear Cutting Tests to Propose Some Empirical Formulas for TBM Disc Cutter Performance Prediction, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2019, 52:4763–4783.

103. Chu Zhaofei, Wu Zhijun, Liu Baoguo, Liu Quansheng. Coupled analytical solutions for deep-buried circular lined tunnels considering tunnel face advancement and soft rock rheology effects[J].Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2019, 94:103111-.DOI:10.1016/j.tust.2019.103111.

104. Weng Lei, Wu Zhijun, Liu Quansheng. Numerical Analysis of Degradation Characteristics for Heterogeneous Rock under Coupled Thermomechanical Conditions [J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2019, 19(10): 04019111.

105. Lei Sun, Giovanni Grasselli, Quansheng Liu, Xuhai Tang,Coupled hydro-mechanical analysis for grout penetration in fractured rocks using the finite-discrete element method, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2019, 124: 104138

106. Liu Xuewei, Liu Quansheng, Liu Bin, Zhu Yuanguang, Zhang Penglin. Failure Behavior for Rocklike Material with Cross Crack under Biaxial Compression[J].Journal of materials in civil engineering, 2019, 31(2):06018025.1-06018025.8.DOI:10.1061/(asce)mt.1943-5533.0002540.

107. Xuewei Liu, Quansheng Liu, Bin Liu, Qi Liu. Acoustic emission characteristics of pre-cracked specimens under biaxial compression[J].Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2019(6):6.DOI:10. 1093/jge/gxz087.

108. Weng Lei, Wu Zhijun, Liu Quansheng, Wang Zhiyang. Energy dissipation and dynamic fragmentation of dry and water-saturated siltstones under sub-zero temperatures [J]. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2019, 220(106659.

109. Quan-Sheng Liu, Yi-Fan Zhao, Xiao-Ping Zhang, Case study: using the point load test to estimate rock strength of tunnels constructed by a tunnel boring machine, Bullitin of Engineering Geology and Environment, 2019, 78: 1727–1734.

110. Liu Quansheng, Sun Lei, Tang Xuhai. Investigate the influence of the in-situ stress conditions on the grout penetration process in fractured rocks using the combined finite-discrete element method [J]. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2019, 106(86-101.

111. Quansheng Liu, He Liu, Xing Huang, Yucong Pan, Ciyou Luo, Haomin Sang. Inverse Analysis Approach to Identify the Loads on the External TBM Shield Surface and Its Application. Rock Mech Rock Eng 52, 3241–3260 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00603-019-01759-y

112. Zhijun Wu, Penglin Zhang, Lifeng Fan, Quansheng Liu. Debris characteristics and scattering pattern analysis of reinforced concrete slabs subjected to internal blast loads–a numerical study[J].International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2019, 131:1-16.DOI:10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2019.04.024.

113. Liu Quansheng, Deng Penghai, A numerical investigation of element size and loading/unloading rate for intact rock in laboratory-scale and field-scale based on the combined finite-discrete element method[J]. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2019, 211: 442-462.

114. Liu Quansheng, Sun Lei, Tang Xuhai, Investigate the influence of the insitu stress conditions on the grout penetration process in fractured rocks using the combined finitediscrete element method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2019, 106: 86-101.

115. Zhijun Wu, Wenjun Cui, Lifeng Fan, Quansheng Liu.Mesomechanism of the dynamic tensile fracture and fragmentation behaviour of concrete with heterogeneous mesostructure[J].Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 217(AUG.30):573-591.DOI:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.05.09.

116. Wu Zhijun, Zhang Penglin, Fan Lifeng, Liu Quansheng. Numerical study of the effect of confining pressure on the rock breakage efficiency and fragment size distribution of a TBM cutter using a coupled FEM-DEM method [J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2019, 88(260-275.

117. Liu Quansheng*, Tian Yongchao, Ji Peiqi, Ma Hao, Experimental investigation of the peak shear strength criterion based on three-dimensional surface description. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2018, 51(4): 1005-1025.

118. Wu Zhijun, Jiang Yalong, Liu Quansheng, Ma Hao. Investigation of the excavation damaged zone around deep TBM tunnel using a Voronoi-element based explicit numerical manifold method[J].International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2018, 112:158-170.DOI:10.1016/j.ijrmms.2018.10.022.

119. Liu Quansheng*, Liu Qi, Pan Yucong, Liu Xuewei, Kong Xiaoxuan, Deng Penghai, Microcracking mechanism analysis of rock failure in diametral compression tests. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2018, 30(6): 1-14.

120. Liu Quansheng, Sun Lei. Simulation of coupled hydro-mechanical interactions during grouting process in fractured media based on the combined finite-discrete element method[J].Tunnelling and underground space technology, 2019, 84(FEB.):472-486.DOI:10.1016/j.tust.2018.11.018.

121. Xuewei Liu, Quansheng Liu, Bin Liu, Yongshui Kang, Jun He.Numerical manifold method for thermal-hydraulic coupling in fractured enhance geothermal system[J].Engineering analysis with boundary elements, 2019, 101(APR.):67-75.DOI:10.1016/j.enganabound.2018.12.014.

122. Pan Yucong, Liu Quansheng*, Liu Jianping, Peng Xingxin, Kong Xiaoxuan, Full-scale linear cutting tests in Chongqing Sandstone to study the influence of confining stress on rock cutting forces by TBM disc cutter. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2018, 51: 1697–1713.

123. Pan Yucong, Liu Quansheng*, Peng Xingxin, Kong Xiaoxuan, Liu Jianping, Zhang Xiaobo, Full-scale rotary cutting test to study the influence of disc cutter installment radius on rock cutting forces. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2018, 51: 2223–2236.

124. Pan Yucong, Liu Quansheng*, Liu Jianping, Liu Qi, Kong Xiaoxuan, Full-scale linear cutting tests in Chongqing Sandstone to study the influence of confining stress on rock cutting efficiency by TBM disc cutter. Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 2018, 80: 197-210.

125. Pan Yucong, Liu Quansheng*, Liu Jianping, Huang Xing, Liu Qi, Peng Xingxin, Comparison between experimental and semi-theoretical disc cutter cutting forces: Implications for frame stiffness of the linear cutting machine. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2018, 11: 266.

126. Liu Qi, Liu Quansheng*, Pan Yucong, Peng Xingxin, Deng Penghai, Huang Kai, Experimental study on rock indentation using infrared thermography and acoustic emission techniques. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2018, 15(5): 1864-1877.

127. Tian Yongchao, Liu Quansheng*, Ma Hao, Liu Qi, Deng Penghai, New peak shear strength model for cement filled rock joints. Engineering Geology, 2018, 233: 269-280.

128. Tian Yongchao, Liu Quansheng*, Liu Dongfeng, Kang Yongshui, Deng Penghai, He Fan , Updates to Grasselli’s Peak Shear Strength Model. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2018,51(7): 2115-2133.

129. Wu Zhijun, Xu Xiangyu, Liu Quansheng*, Yang Yongtao, A zero-thickness cohesive element-based numerical manifold method for rock mechanical behavior with micro-Voronoi grains. Engineering Analysis With Boundary Element Methods, 2018, 96: 94-10.

130. Liu Quansheng, Jiang Yalong, Wu Zhijun, He Jun (2018) A Voronoi element based-numerical manifold method (VE-NMM) for investigating micro/macro-mechanical properties of intact rocks. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2018, 199: 71-85.

131. Liu Quansheng, Jiang Yalong, Wu Zhijun, Qian Zhicheng, Xu Xiangyu, Numerical modeling of acoustic emission during rock failure process using a Voronoi element based-explicit numerical manifold method. Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 2018,79: 175-189.

132. Kong Xiaoxuan, Liu Quansheng*, Pan Yucong, Liu Jianping,et al.Stress redistribution and formation of the pressure arch above underground excavation in rock mass[J].European Journal of Environmental and Civil engineering, 2019:1-15.DOI:10.1080/19648189.2018.1541824.

133. Liu Quansheng, Sun Lei, Tang Xuhai, Chen Lei, Simulate intersecting 3D hydraulic cracks using a hybrid FE-Meshfree method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2018, 91: 24-43.

134. He Jun, Liu Quansheng*, Wu Zhijun, Jiang Yalong , Geothermal-related thermo-elastic fracture analysis by numerical manifold method. Energies, 2018,11: 19961073.

135. Liu Quansheng, Sun Lei, Tang Xuhai, Guo Bo, Modelling hydraulic fracturing with a point-based approximation for the maximum principal stress criterion. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00603-018-1648-1 (Online)

136. Pan Yucong, Liu Quansheng*, Kong Xiaoxuan, Liu Jianping, Peng Xingxin, Liu Qi. Full-scale linear cutting test in Chongqing Sandstone and the comparison with field TBM excavation performance. Acta Geotechnica, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11440-018-0702-1 (Online)

137. Pan Yucong, Liu Quansheng*, Liu Qi, Huang Xing, Liu Jianping, Peng Xingxin. Comparison and correlation between the laboratory, semi-theoretical and empirical methods in predicting the field excavation performance of tunnel boring machine (TBM). Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 2018. Doi:10.1007/s12517-018-3593-4 (online)

138. Huang Xing, Liu Quansheng*, Peng Xingxin, Lei Guangfeng, Liu He. Mechanism and forecasting model for shield jamming during TBM tunnelling through deep soft ground. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1080/19648189.2017.1327895 (Online)

139. Yang Yongtao, Tang Xuhai, Zheng Hong, Liu Quansheng, Liu Zhijun. Hydraulic fracturing modeling using the enriched numerical manifold method[J].Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2017:462-486.DOI:10.1016/j.apm.2017.09.024.

140. Pan Yucong, Liu Quansheng*, Liu Jianping, Kong Xiaoxuan, Peng Xingxin, Liu Qi. Investigation on disc cutter behaviors in cutting rocks of different strengths and reverse estimation of rock strengths from experimental cutting forces. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1080/19648189.2018.1512904 (Online)

141. Liu Xuewei, Liu Quansheng*, Liu Bin, Zhu Yuanguang, Zhang Penglin, Failure behavior for rocklike material with cross crack under biaxial compression. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), 201931(2).

142. Weng Lei, Wu Zhijun, Liu Quansheng, Evaluating damage and microcracking behavior of granite using NMR testing under different levels of unconfined compression. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2019, 19 (1): 04018186.

143. Yang Jihua, Zhang Xiaoping, Ji Peiqi, Liu Quansheng, Lu Xinjing, Wei Jianpeng, Qi Sanhong, Fang Houguo, Fang Jingnian, Geng Yijun, Analysis of disc cutter damage and consumption of TBM1 section on water conveyance tunnel at Lanzhou water source construction engineering. Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 2019, 85: 67-75.

144. Huang Xing, Liu Quansheng*, Shi Kai, Pan Yucong, Liu Jianping, Application and prospect of hard rock TBM for deep roadway construction in coal mines. Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 2018, 73: 105-126.

145. Huang Xing, Liu Quansheng*, Liu He, Zhang Penglin, Pan Shaolin, Zhang Xiaoping, Fang Jingnian, Development and in-situ application of a real-time monitoring system for the interaction between TBM and surrounding rock. Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 2018, 81: 187-208.

146. Huang Xing, Liu Quangsheng*, Chen Lei, Pan Yucong, Liu Bin, Kang Yongshui, Liu Xuewei, Cutting force measurement and analyses of shell cutters on a mixshield tunnelling machine. Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 2018, 82: 325-345.

147. Liu Xuewei, Liu Quansheng*, Kang Yongshui, Pan Yucong, An improved nonlinear strength criterion for jointed rock masses subject to complex stress states. International Journal of Geomechanics (ASCE), 2018, 18(3): 04017164.

148. Kang Yongshui, Liu Quansheng*, Xi Hailong, Gong Guangqing, Improved compound support system for coal mine tunnels in densely faulted zones: A case study of China's Huainan coal field. Engineering Geology, 2018, 240: 10-20.

149. Kong Xiaoxuan, Liu Quansheng*, Zhang Qianbing, Wu Yuexiu, Zhao Jian, A method to estimate the pressure arch formation above underground excavation in rock mass. Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 2018, 71: 382-390.

150. Liu Xuewei, Liu Quansheng*, He Jun, Liu Bin, Modified contact model with rock joint constitutive in numerical manifold method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2018, 93: 63-71.

151. Huang Shibing, Liu Quansheng, Cheng Aiping, Liu Yanzhang, A statistical damage constitutive model under freeze-thaw and loading for rock and its engineering application. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2018,145: 142-150.

152. Huang Shibing, Liu Quansheng, Cheng Aiping, Liu Yanzhang, Liu Guofeng, A fully coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical model including the determination of coupling parameters for freezing rock. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2018,103: 205-214.

153. Huang Shibing, Liu Quansheng*, Liu Yanzhang, Kang Yongshui, Cheng Aiping, Ye Zuyang , Frost heaving and frost cracking of elliptical cavities (fractures) in low-permeability rock. Engineering Geology, 2018, 234: 1-10.

154. Cui Xianze, Liu Quansheng, Zhang Chengyuan, Land subsidence due to groundwater pumping and recharge considering particle deposition effect―Take dual structural stratum of Wuhan as example. Hydrogeology Journal, 2018,26(3): 789-802

155. Liu Quansheng, Sun Lei, Liu P, Chen L. Modeling Simultaneous Multiple Fracturing Using the Combined Finite-Discrete Element Method. Geofluids 2018(4-5):1–20.

156. He Jun, Liu Quansheng*, Wu Zhijun, Jiang Yalong , Geothermal-related thermo-elastic fracture analysis by numerical manifold method. Energies, 2018,11: 19961073.

157. Wu Zhijun, Jiang Yalong, Liu Quansheng, Ma Hao, Investigation of the excavation damaged zone around deep TBM tunnel using a Voronoi–element based explicit numerical manifold method. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2018, 112: 158-170.

158. Zhang Xiaoping, Ji Peiqi, Liu Quansheng, Liu Qi, Zhang Qi, Peng Zhihao, Physical and numerical studies of rock fragmentation subject to wedge cutter indentation in the mixed ground. Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 2018,71: 354-365.

159. Zhang Xiaoping, Ji Peiqi, Liu Quansheng, Liu Qi, Zhang Qi, Peng Zhihao, Physical and numerical studies of rock fragmentation subject to wedge cutter indentation in the mixed ground. Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 2018,71: 354-365.

160. Xu Jie, Jiang Jingdong, Liu Quansheng, Gao Yufeng, Stability analysis and failure forecasting of deep-buried underground caverns based on microseismic monitoring. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2018,43(4): 1709–1719.

161. Yang Yongtao, Tang Xuhai, Zheng Hong, Liu Quansheng, Liu Zhijun, Hydraulic fracturing modelling using the enriched numerical manifold method. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2018, 53, 462-486.

162. Yang Yongtao, Tang Xuhai, Zheng Hong, Liu Quansheng , Four-node quadrilateral element with continuous nodal stress for geometrical nonlinear analysis. International Journal of Computational Methods, 2018,15(2): 1850005.

163. Liu Quansheng*, Tian Yongchao, Liu Dongfeng, Jiang Yalong, Updates to JRC-JCS model for estimating the peak shear strength of rock joints based on quantified surface description. Engineering Geology, 2017,228: 282-300.

164. Kai Su, Xiaoyang Zhou, Xuhai Tang, Xiaoyu Xu, Quansheng Liu. Mechanism of Cracking in Dams Using a Hybrid FE-Meshfree Method[J].International Journal of Geomechanics, 2017, 17(9):04017071.1-04017071. 14.DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0000950.

165. Liu Quansheng*, Liu Dongfeng, Tian Yongchao, Liu Xiaoyan , Numerical simulation of stress-strain behaviour of cemented paste backfill in triaxial compression. Engineering Geology, 2017,231: 165-175.

166. Liu Xuewei, Liu Quansheng*, Wei Lai, Huang Xing, Improved Strength Criterion and Numerical Manifold Method for Fracture Initiation and Propagation. International Journal of Geomechanics (ASCE), 2017,17(5).

167. Peng Xingxin, Liu Quansheng*, Pan Yucong, Lei Guangfeng, Wei Lai, Luo Ciyou, Study on the influence of different control modes on TBM disc cutter performance by rotary cutting tests. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2017, 51(3):961-967.

168. Huang Xing, Liu Quansheng*, Liu Bin, Liu Xuewei, Pan Yucong, Liu Jianping (2017) Experimental study on the dilatancy and fracturing behavior of soft rock under unloading conditions. International Journal of Civil Engineering, 2017,15(6): 921-948.

169. Ma Hao, Liu Quansheng* , Prediction of the peak shear strength of sandstone and mudstone joints infilled with high water-cement ratio grouts. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2017,50(8): 2021–2037.

170. Liu Quansheng, Jiang Yalong, Wu Zhijun, Xu Xiangyu, Liu Qi, Investigation of the rock fragmentation process by a single TBM cutter using a Voronoi element-based numerical manifold method. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2017,51(4): 1137-1152.

171. Liu Quansheng, Lei Guangfeng, Peng Xingxin, Lu Chaobo, Wei Lai, Rheological characteristics of cement grout and its effect on mechanical properties of a rock fracture. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2017,51(2):613-625.

172. Liu Quansheng, Qian Zhicheng, Wu Zhijun, Micro/macro physical and mechanical variation of red sandstone subjected to cyclic heating and cooling: An experimental study. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2017,(4) :1-15.

173. Liu Quansheng, Liu Jianping, Pan Yucong, Zhang Xiaoping, Peng Xingxin, Gong Qiuming, Du Lijie, A wear rule and cutter life prediction model of a 20-in. TBM cutter for granite: a case study of a water conveyance tunnel in china. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2017, 50(5): 1303-1320.

174. Liu Quansheng, Liu Jianping, Pan Yucong, Kong Xiaoxuan, Hong Kairong, A case study of TBM performance prediction using a Chinese rock mass classification system – hydropower classification (HC) method. Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 2017,65: 140-154.

175. He Jun, Liu Quansheng*, Wu Zhijun, Creep crack analysis of viscoelastic material by numerical manifold method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2017,80: 72-86.

176. He Jun, Liu Quansheng*, Wu Zhijun, Xu Xiangyu , Modelling transient heat conduction of granular materials by numerical manifold method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2017,86: 45-55.

177. Huang Shibing, Liu Quansheng, Liu Yanzhang, Ye Zuyang, Cheng Aiping, Freezing Strain Model for Estimating the Unfrozen Water Content of Saturated Rock under Low Temperature. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2017,18(2): 04017137.

178. Cui Xianze, Liu Quansheng, Zhang Chengyuan (2017) Detachment characteristics of deposited particles in porous media-experimentation and modeling. Transport in Porous Media, 2017,119(3): 633–647.

179. Cui Xianze, Liu Quansheng, Zhang Chengyuan (2017) Physical factors affecting the transport and deposition of particles in saturated porous media. Water Science and Technology-Water Supply, 2017,17(6): 1616-1625.

180. Wu Yuexiu, Liu Quansheng, Chan Andrew HC, Implementation of a time-domain random-walk method into a discrete element method to simulate nuclide transport in fractured rock masses, Geofluids. 2017

181. Wu Zhijun, Fan Lifeng, Liu Quansheng, Ma Guowei, Micro-mechanical modeling of the macro-mechanical response and fracture behavior of rock using the numerical manifold method. Engineering Geology, 2017, 225: 49-60.

182. Xu Jie, Jiang Jingdong, Xu Ning, Liu Quansheng, Gao Yufeng (2017) A new energy index for evaluating the tendency of rockburst and its engineering application. Engineering Geology, 2017,230: 46-54.

183. Yang Yongtao, Chen Lei, Tang Xuhai, Zheng Hong, Liu Quansheng, A partition-of-unity based FE-Meshfree hexahedral element with continuous nodal stress, Computers & Structures, 2017,178 :17-28

184. Su Kai, Zhou Xiaoyang, Tang Xuhai, Xu Xiaoyu, Liu Quansheng , Mechanism of cracking in dams using a hybrid FE-Mesh free Method. International journal of Geomechanics, 2017,17(9).

185. Liu Quansheng*, Liu Dongfeng, Liu Xiaoyan, Gao Fei, Li Shiqiang, Research and application of surface paste disposal for clay-sized tailings in tropical rainy climate. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 2016,157: 227-235.

186. Liu Quansheng*, Cui Xianze, Zhang Chengyua, Experimental investigation of suspended particles transport through porous media: Particle and grain size effect. Environmental Technology, 2016, 37(7): 854-864.

187. Liu Quansheng*, Jiang Jingdong, Zhang Chengyuan, Zhu Yuanguang, Analytical investigation for in situ stress measurement with rheological stress recovery method and its application. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2016.

188. He Jun, Liu Quansheng*, Ma Guowei, Zeng Bin, An improved numerical manifold method incorporating hybrid crack element for crack propagation simulation. International Journal of Fracture, 2016, 199(1): 21-38.

189. Kang Yongshui, Liu Quansheng*, Cheng Yong, Liu Xiaoyan , Combined freeze-sealing and New Tubular Roof construction methods for seaside urban tunnel in soft ground. Tunneling and Underground Space Technology. 2016, 58: 1-10.

190. Liu Quansheng, Huang Xing, Gong Qiuming, Du Lijie, Pan Yucong, Liu Jianping, Application and development of hard rock TBM and its prospect in China. Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 2016, 57: 33-46.

191. Yang Yongtao, Tang Xuhai, Zheng Hong, Liu Quansheng, He Lei, Three-dimensional fracture propagation with numerical manifold method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Element Method, 2016, 72: 65-77.

192. Zhu Yuanguang Liu Quansheng*, A New Three-Dimensional Pressure Transducer for Measuring Soft Rock Stress, Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2016, 39(5): 703-711.

193. Liu Xuewei, Liu Quansheng*, Huang Shibing, Wei Lai, Lei Guangfeng, Fracture propagation characteristic and micromechanism of rock-like specimens under uniaxial and biaxial compression. Shock and Vibration, Article. 2016, ID 6018291.

194. Liu Quansheng, Pan Yucong, Liu Jianping, Kong Xiaoxuan, Shi Kai, Comparison and discussion on fragmentation behavior of soft rock in multi-indentation tests by a single TBM disc cutter. Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 2016, 57: 151-161.

195. Liu Quansheng, Huang Shibing, Kang Yongshui, Liu Xuewei, A prediction model for uniaxial compressive strength of deteriorated rocks due to freeze–thaw. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2016, 120 (S1): 96–107.

196. Wu Yuexiu, Tan Xianjun, Liu Quansheng, Structural Foamed Concrete With Lightweight Aggregate and Polypropylene Fiber: Product Design Through Orthogonal Tests. Polymers and Polymer Composites, 2016, 24(2): 173-178.

197. Tang Zhicheng, Huang Runqiu, Liu Quansheng, Wong Ngai Yuen Louis, Effect of contact state on the shear behavior of artificial rock joint. Bulletin of Geology Engineering and the Environment, 2016,75(2): 761-769

198. Liu Quansheng*, Xu Jie, Liu Xuewei, Jiang Jingdong, Liu Bin, The role of flaws on crack growth in rock-like material assessed by AE technique. International Journal of Fracture, 2015, 193(2): 99-115.

199. Liu Quansheng*, Xu Jie, Liu Bin, Jiang Jingdong, Acoustic emission behavior of rock-like materi-al containing two flaws in the process of deformation failure. Shock and Vibration, 2015, ID 167580.

200. Zhang Xiaoping, Liu Quansheng, Wu Shunchuan, Tang Xuhai, Crack coalescence between two non-parallel flaws in rock-like material under uniaxial compression. Engineering Geology, 2015, 199: 74-90.

201. Wu Zhijun, Liang Xu, Liu Quansheng, Numerical investigation of rock heterogeneity effect on rock dynamic strength and failure process using cohesive fracture model. Engineering Geology, 2015, 197: 198-210.

202. Quansheng Liu, Shibing Huang, Yongshui Kang, and Xuewei Liu, A prediction model for uniaxial compressive strength of deteriorated rocks due to freeze–thaw, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2015120 (S1): 96–107, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.coldregions.2015.09.013.

203. Yongshui Kang, Liu Quansheng*, Guangqing Gong, Huaichao Wang, Application of a combined support system to the weak floor reinforcement in deep underground coal mine, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science, 2014,74:143-150.

204. Yongshui Kang, Quansheng Liu*, and H. Xi, Numerical analysis of THM coupling of a deeply buried roadway passing through composite strata and dense faults in a coal mine, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2014,73(1): 77-86.

205. Tang Zhi-Cheng, Liu Quan-Sheng*, Xia Cai-chu, Song Ying-Long, Huang Ji-hui, Wang Chun-Bo, Mechanical Model for Predicting Closure Behavior of Rock Joints Under Normal StressRock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2014, 47:2287-2298.

206. *Zhu Yuanguang; Liu Quansheng; Liu, Bin; Jiang, JingdongTheory of Time-Temperature-Stress Equivalent Principle Based on Schapery Equation and Its Application on GraniteMaterials Science(Medziagotyra), 2014, 20(4), 522-528. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5755/j01.ms.20.4.6294

207. Kang Yongshui, Liu Quansheng, Liu Xiaoyan, Huang Shibing, Theoretical and numerical studies of crack initiation and propagation in rock masses under freezing pressure and far-field stress. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineerging, 2014,6(5): 466-476.

208. Kang Yongshui, Liu Quansheng*, A fully coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical model for rock mass under freezing/thawing condition, COLD REGIONS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2013, 95: 19-26.

209. Tang Zhi-Cheng, Liu Quan-Sheng*, New criterion for rock joints based on three-dimensional roughness parameters, Journal of Central South University, 2014,21:4653-4659.

210. Liu Quansheng*, Li Jinlan, Liu Bin, The stability control theory of deep Coal mine roadway, Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research, 2012, 30 (1): 521-528.

211. Jiao YY, Zhang XL, Zhao J, Liu QS., Viscous boundary of DDA for modeling stress wave propagation in jointed rock, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2007, 44(7): 1070-1076.

212. Liu Quansheng*, Li Jinlan, Liu Bin, Hydromechanical Coupling Model for Clay of Nuclear Waste Repository Based on Percolation Theory, Disaster Advances, 2013, 6(S2):33-37.

213. Kang Yongshui*, Liu Quansheng, Huang Shibin. Research on frost strain of rock under freezing/thawing condition. Disaster Advances, 2013, 6: 152-158.

214. Lu, X. L., Liu, Q. S.*, Su, P. F., Failure mechanism recognition and optimum support design of roadway groups in soft and fractured surrounding rock - case study: Paner coal mine. Disaster Adv. 2013, 6: 406-414.

215. Lu Xingli, Liu Quansheng*, Constitutive Model of Rock Dilatancy-Bulking Behavior and Its Application to A Deep Roadway, DISASTER ADVANCES, 2013, 6(S2): 185-193.

216. Zhu Yuanguang, Liu Quansheng*, Liu, X. W. Jiang, J. D., Modification of Time-Temperature-Stress Equivalent Principle and Its Application to Nonlinear Creep Property of Granite, DISASTER ADVANCES, 2013, 6(4): 177-184.

217. Zhu Yuanguang, Liu Quansheng*, Huang, X., Applying Time-Temperature Equivalent Principle to the Creep Property of Granite, DISASTER ADVANCES, 2013, 6(3): 145-151.

218. Kang Yongshui, Liu Quansheng*, Research on frost strain of rock under freezing/thawing condition, DISASTER ADVANCES, 2013, 6(3): 152-158.

219. Zhang Chengyuan, Liu Xiaoyan, Liu Quansheng, A thermo-hydro-mechano-chemical formulation for modeling water transport around a ventilated tunnel in an argillaceous rock, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, 5(2): 145-155.

220. Haifeng Lu, Quansheng Liu, Congxin Chen, Experimental study on mechanical characteristic of weak interlayer in red-bed soft rock slope, Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research, 201230(1)467-474.

221. Lu Haifeng, Liu Quansheng, Chen Congxin, Disaster Mechanism of Hard and Soft Inter-bedding Slope and Its Preventive Measure, Disaster Advances, 20125(4):1361-1366.

222. LIU QUAN-SHENG, LU XING-LI Experimental Study And Constitutive Modeling of Rock Dilatancy-BulkingMaterials Research Innovations2011volume 15551-556.

223. Yongshui KangQuansheng LiuKai ShiXiaoyan Liu. Research on modeling method for freezing tunnel with fractured surrounding rock. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 455-456:1591-1595

224. Yuexiu Wu, Quansheng Liu, Xiaoyan Liu, Bin LiuNumerical simulation of flow in a single rough jointAdvanced Science Letter2011, 4: 1622-1626

225. Wu Yuexiu, Liu Quansheng, Liu XiaoyanOn effect of non-persistent joints on hydro-mechanical behavior of jointed rock mass in UDECEngineering Plasticity and Its Applications2011WuhanChina.

226. Chengyuan Zhang , Xiaoyan Liu, Quansheng LiuModeling Of Ventilation Experiment In Argillaceous Rock TunnelMaterials Research Innovations2011 Vol 15 Suppl 1:573-583.

227. LIU Quan-sheng, ZHU Yuan-guang, Research for time-temperature equivalence effect of rock(1): Theory research, Rock and Soil Mechanics,Vol.32 ( No.3) : 641-646 , March 2011.

228. Yong Shui Kang, Quan Sheng Liu, and Jie Yan, Thermodynamic Properties of Water during Phase Transition and Simulation on Freezing Process in Fractured Rock, Advanced Material Research, 2011, Vols. 328-330, pp9-12.

229. Zhu Yuan-guang, LIU Quansheng, Research for time-temperature equivalence effect of rock(): Experimental research, Rock and Soil Mechanics,Vol.32 ( No.4) : 961-966 , April 2011.

230. Xiaoyan Liu, Chengyuan Zhang, Quansheng Liu, Multiple-point statistical prediction on fracture networks at Yucca Mountain ,Environmental Geology, 2009. 57(6): 1361-1370 .

231. Xiaoyan Liu, Chengyuan Zhang, Quansheng Liu, ANALYSIS OF COMPLEXITY IN COUPLED Thermal-Hydraulic-Mechanical process SIMULATION, No 7-8 , March 2008, International Journal of Modern Physics B.

232. YUN-HUA HU, QUAN-SHENG LIU, Experiment Study on Mechanical Properties of Granite under Repeated Loading and Unloading, International Journal of Modern Physics B, No. 9-11 , 1853-1858, April 2008.

233. Chengyuan Zhang, Xiaoyan Liu, Quansheng Liu, An rock-physics-based complex pore-fluid-distribution model to seismic Dynamical response, No. 7-8 , March 2008, International Journal of Modern Physics B.

234. Xiaoyan Liu, Chengyuan Zhang, Quansheng Liu, Coupled THM Model and Simulation of the Yucca Mountain and FEBEX Case Study within DECOVALEX-THMC Framework, Vol. 33-37:639-644, Mar. 2008, Advanced Materials Research.

235. Chengyuan Zhang, Xiaoyan Liu, Quansheng Liu, Study on Uncertainty and Criterion in Model Optimization of Coupled THM Simulation, Vol. 33-37:1135-1140, Mar. 2008, Advanced Materials Research.

236. Quansheng Liu, Guangmiao Xu, Xiaoyan Liu, Experimental and Theoretical Study on Freezing-Thawing Damage Propagation of Saturated Rocks, International Journal of Modern Physics B, No. 9-11 , 1853-1858, April 2008.

237. LIU Quansheng, LIU Bin, GAO Wei, Study On the Damage Evolution Equation of Rockburst, Vol. 33-37:663-668, Mar. 2008, Advanced Materials Research.

238. Liu Quansheng, Xu Guangmiao, Wu Yuexiu, The Thermo-Hydro Coupled Model of Low-Temperature Rock in Consideration of Phase Change, Vol. 33-37:645-650, Mar. 2008, Advanced Materials Research.

239. Liu BinLiu QuanshengStress analysis of transversely isotropic cylinder under arbitrary axisymmetric loadVol. 22, No. 9-11:1431-1436, April 2008, International Journal of Modern Physics B.

240. WuYuexiuLiu QuanshengThe analysis on dynamical response of transversely isotropic material under blasting loadVol. 22, No. 9-11:1443-1448, April 2008, International Journal of Modern Physics B

241. Liu Quansheng, Zhang Chengyuan, Liu Xiaoyan, Numerical Modelling and Simulation of Coupled THM Processes in Task_D of DECOVALEX_, Vol. 25: 709-720, April 2006, Yanshilixue Yu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering.

242. Liu Quansheng, Xu Xichang, Wang Chongge, T. Yamaguchi, Time-Temperature Equivalence for Rocks, Vol. 306-308: 1397-1402, March 2006, Key Engineering Materials.

243. Liu Quansheng, Xu Guangmiao, Study on Basic Mechanical Behaviors of Rocks at Low Temperatures, Vol. 306-308: 1479-1484, March 2006, Key Engineering Materials.

244. Liu Quansheng, Hu Yunhua, On Stability and Support Measures of Rock Mass Surrounding A Diphead of A Coal Mine, Vol.326-328: 1611-1616, Sept. 2006, Key Engineering Materials.

245. Zhang Chengyuan, Liu Xiaoyan, Liu Quansheng, Coupled THM processes modeling and stochastic simulation considering spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity in underground storage caverns, Vol.326-328: 561-564, Sept. 2006, Key Engineering Materials.

246. Liu Xiaoyan, Zhang Chengyuan, Liu Quansheng, Experimental and theoretical study of frequency and temperature dependence on seismic attenuation of saturated rocks, Vol.326-328: 1149-1152, Sept. 2006, Key Engineering Materials.

247. Yuyong Jiao, Quansheng Liu, Shucai Li, A three-dimensional numerical model for simulating deformation and failure of blocky rock structures, vol306-308: 1391-1396, 2006, Key Engineering Materials.

248. Wang CG, Song ZQ, Chen WZ, Liu QS, Yang CH, study of thermo-rheology characters of rock under the uni-axial compression, vol261-263: 639-644, 2004 , Key Engineering Materials.

249. Kang Y, Liu Q, Liu X, et al. Theoretical and numerical studies of crack initiation and propagation in rock masses under freezing pressure and far-field stress[J], Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. 2014, 6(5): 466-476.

250. 邓鹏海,刘泉声*,黄兴. 隧道底板渐进破裂碎胀大变形:一种新的底鼓机制研究, 岩土力学, 2023, 44(05): 1512-1529.

251. 刘建平,周花玉,何天奎,余镜南,张坤,潘玉丛,刘泉声. 含根量对根–土石复合体的抗剪强度影响试验初探——以垂丝海棠为例, 岩石力学与工程学报. 2023, 42(S1): 3618-3628.

252. 张旗,王浩杰,董鹏,张晓平,刘泉声,傅少君.引汉济渭秦岭隧洞围岩变形规律与拱架受力特征研究.岩土工程学报, 2023: 1-8.

253. 邓鹏海,刘泉声*,黄兴.基于Weibull分布的非均质隧洞围岩破裂碎胀FDEM数值模拟研究.工程力学:2023, 1-24.

254. 刘泉声,黄兴,潘玉丛,刘滨,邓鹏海.TBM在煤矿巷道掘进中的技术应用和研究进展[J].煤炭科学技术,2023,51(01):242-259.

255. 高峰,黄兴,刘泉声,殷欣,伯音,王心语.基于人工神经网络多模型迁移学习的隧()道机械化掘进装备控制参数自主决策方法[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2023,42(06).

256. 张沛远,张晓平,张晗,崔建航,刘泉声,樊文胜,李玉生.莲花隧道软弱围岩大变形预测方法适用性评价研究[J].工程地质学报,2022,30(05):1689-1702.

257. 邓鹏海,刘泉声*,黄兴,潘玉丛,伯音, 水平层状软弱围岩破裂碎胀大变形机制有限元-离散元耦合数值模拟研究, 岩土力学, 43卷增2,2022, 508- 523.

258. 康永水,耿志,刘泉声,刘滨,朱元广.我国软岩大变形灾害控制技术与方法研究进展[J].岩土力学,2022,43(08):2035-2059.

259. 刘学伟,刘泉声,汪志强,刘滨,康永水,王传兵.基于格栅拱架的软岩巷道分步联合控制技术研究[J].岩土力学,2022,43(S1):469-478.

260. 吴志军,方立群,翁磊,刘泉声.基于TBM掘进性能的岩体分级及可掘性等级感知识别方法[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2022,41(S1):2684-2699.

261. 唐旭海,许婧璟,张怡恒,何琦,王正直,张国平,刘泉声.基于微观岩石力学试验和NWA13618陨石的小行星岩石力学参数分析[J].岩土力学,2022,43(05):1157-1163.DOI:10.16285/j.rsm.2021.1342.

262. 胡少银,刘泉声,李世辉,桑昊旻,康永水.裂隙岩体注浆理论研究进展及展望[J].煤炭科学技术,2022,50(01):112-126.

263. 吴志军,张锶浪,翁磊,刘泉声,周原.温度和围压影响下裂隙砂岩渗透注浆过程的实时核磁共振试验研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2022,41(04):660-675.DOI:10.13722/j.cnki.jrme.2021.0743.

264. 殷欣,刘泉声*,丁自伟,张全太,王心语,黄兴.面向地下工程岩爆灾害智能化预警:基于模糊理论改进的多属性群决策模型[J].应用基础与工程科学学,2022,30(02):374-395.DOI:10.16058/j.issn.1005-0930.2022.10.011.

265. 殷欣, 高峰, 刘泉声, 王心语, 黄兴, 潘玉丛. 面向隧道掘进机可掘性评价的多算法融合优化模型及其工程应用[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2022, 41(S1): 2757-2771. DOI: 10.13722/j.cnki.jrme.2021.0591.

266. 高峰,殷欣,刘泉声,黄兴,伯音,张全太,王心语.基于塔式池化架构的采掘工作面煤岩图像识别方法[J].煤炭学报,2021,46(12):4088-4102.DOI:10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2021.0624.

267. 卢海峰,朱晨东,刘泉声.不同注浆材料作用下结构面剪切力学特性研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2021,40(09):1803-1811.DOI:10.13722/j.cnki.jrme.2021.0604.

268. 张晓平,朱航凯,刘泉声,吴坚.基于斯奈尔定律及布谷鸟算法的层状岩体微震定位研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2021,40(07):1383-1391.DOI:10.13722/j.cnki.jrme.2020.1154.

269. 吴志军,卢槐,翁磊,刘泉声,沈坚强.基于核磁共振实时成像技术的裂隙砂岩渗流特性研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2021,40(02):263-275.DOI:10.13722/j.cnki.jrme.2020.0716.

270. 卢海峰,曹爱德,刘泉声,张晗,吴月秀,魏志超.含内缺陷注浆固结体力学特性试验研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2020,39(08):1560-1571.DOI:10.13722/j.cnki.jrme.2019.1224.

271. 张晓平,吕根根,张旗,刘泉声,李伟伟,许金林.单轴压缩条件下硅质粉砂岩应力阈值研究[J].工程地质学报,2020,28(03):441-449.DOI:10.13544/j.cnki.jeg.2019-085.

272. 刘滨,桑昊旻,康永水,刘泉声,罗慈友,赵程.岩体裂隙网络注浆模拟试验系统研制及应用[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2020,39(03):540-549.DOI:10.13722/j.cnki.jrme.2019.0998.

273. 蒋亚龙,徐贞珍,刘泉声,马昊.基于改进NMM的深部煤巷围岩碎胀大变形模拟研究[J].煤炭学报,2020,45(02):579-589.DOI:10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2019.0021.

274. 刘泉声,王栋,朱元广,杨战标,伯音.支持向量回归算法在地应力场反演中的应用[J].岩土力学,2020,41(S1):319-328.DOI:10.16285/j.rsm.2019.0860.

275. 李平,唐旭海,刘泉声,罗攀登.双裂隙类砂岩冻胀断裂特征与强度损失研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2020,39(01):115-125.DOI:10.13722/j.cnki.jrme.2019.0679.

276. 殷欣, 刘泉声*, 王心语, 黄兴. 基于组合赋权和属性区间识别理论的岩爆烈度分级预测模型[J].煤炭学报, 2020, 45(11): 3772-3780. DOI: 10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2019.1250.

277. 吴鑫林,张晓平,刘泉声,李伟伟,黄继敏.TBM岩体可掘性预测及其分级研究[J].岩土力学,2020,41(05):1721-1729+1739.DOI:10.16285/j.rsm.2019.0963.

278. 刘泉声,罗慈友,彭星新,刘鹤,陈磊,潘玉丛.软岩现场流变试验及非线性分数阶蠕变模型[J].煤炭学报,2020,45(04):1348-1356.DOI:10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2019.0479.

279. 刘泉声,罗慈友,朱元广, 流变应力恢复法压力传感器传感单元方位布设研究,岩土力学,2020, 41(1): 336-352

280. 王慧,刘泉声.基于FEMM-Fracflow研究缝洞型油藏中裂缝扩展问题[J].地质力学学报, 2020, 26(01):55-64

281. 刘泉声,王中伟.基于数字图像处理的岩石数值模拟研究进展.岩石力学与工程学报,2020,增23286-3296https://doi.org/10.13722/j.cnki.jrme.2019.1055

282. 李孟熠,吴志军,周原,刘泉声,沈坚强.开度相关模型在岩石热开裂问题中的应用[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2019,38(S2):3520-3531.DOI:10.13722/j.cnki.jrme.2019.0645.

283. 刘泉声,刘鹤,张鹏林,黄兴,罗慈友,桑昊旻.TBM卡机实时监测预警方法及其应用[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2019,38(S2):3354-3361.DOI:10.13722/j.cnki.jrme.2018.0784.

284. 许婧璟,唐旭海,刘泉声,冯禹菲.基于能量跟踪法研究岩石破碎对滚石运动轨迹的影响[J].岩土力学,2019,40(S1):541-548.DOI:10.16285/j.rsm.2018.2334.

285. 刘泉声,何璠,邓鹏海,田永超.3D打印技术在岩石物理力学试验中的应用[J].岩土力学,2019,40(09):3397-3404.DOI:10.16285/j.rsm.2018.0991.

286. 刘鹤,刘泉声*,唐旭海,罗慈友,万文恺,陈磊,潘玉丛.TBM护盾-围岩相互作用荷载识别方法[J].岩土力学,2019,40(12):4946-4954.DOI:10.16285/j.rsm.2018.1932.

287. 刘泉声,邓鹏海,毕 晨,李伟伟,刘 , 深部巷道软弱围岩破裂碎胀过程及锚喷-注浆加固FDEM数值模拟[J], 岩土力学,2019, 40(10): 4065–4083.

288. 刘泉声, 彭星新, 黄兴, 雷广峰, 魏莱, 刘鹤. 全断面隧道掘进机护盾受力监测及卡机预警. 岩土力学, 2018, 39(9): 3406-3414.

289. 刘泉声,甘亮,吴志军,周原.基于零厚度黏聚力单元的水力压裂裂隙空间分布影响分析[J].煤炭学报,2018,43(S2):393-402.DOI:10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2018.1122.

290. 刘泉声, 雷广峰, 彭星新, 魏莱. 节理岩体中锚杆剪切力学模型研究及试验验证.岩土工程学报, 2018, (05): 794-801.

291. 刘泉声, 罗慈友, 陈自由, 刘鹤, 桑昊旻, 万文恺. 现场岩体三轴流变试验设备研制. 岩土力学, 201843(S2).

292. 刘泉声, 赵怡凡, 张晓平, 孔晓璇. 灰岩隧道掘进机隧道点荷载试验评价岩石强度方法的研究与探讨. 岩土力学, 2018, 39(3): 977-984.

293. 张程远,万文恺,王爽,孙新蕾,刘泉声.基于岩体完整性评价的超声–地震波速度跨尺度转换方法研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2018,37(11):2435-2445.DOI:10.13722/j.cnki.jrme.2018.0612.

294. 黄诗冰, 刘泉声, 刘艳章, 程爱平. 低温热力耦合下岩体椭圆孔 () 隙中冻胀力与冻胀开裂特征研究. 岩土工程学报, 2018, 40(3): 459-467.

295. 黄诗冰, 刘泉声, 程爱平, 刘艳章. 低温裂隙岩体水-热耦合模型研究及数值分析. 岩土力学, 2018, 39(2): 735-744.

296. 刘泉声,雷广峰,彭星新,魏莱,罗慈友.白砂岩、大理岩及花岗岩加锚剪切力学特性研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2018,37(S2):4007-4015.DOI:10.13722/j.cnki.jrme.2017.0646.

297. 黄诗冰, 刘泉声, 程爱平, 刘艳章. 低温岩体裂隙冻胀力与冻胀扩展试验初步研究, 岩土力学, 2018, 39(1): 78-84.

298. 黄诗冰,刘泉声,程爱平,刘艳章.低温岩体裂隙冻胀力与冻胀扩展试验初探[J].岩土力学,2018,39(01):78-84.DOI:10.16285/j.rsm.2017.0059.

299. 蒋景东,陈生水,徐婕,刘泉声.不同含水状态下泥岩的力学性质及能量特征[J].煤炭学报,2018,43(08):2217-2224.DOI:10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2017.1344.

300. 刘学伟, 刘泉声, 刘滨,何军. 考虑损伤效应的岩体裂隙扩展数值模拟研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2018.

301. 吴志军, 张鹏林, 刘泉声, 李万峰, 江维中. 基于零厚度粘聚力单元的钢筋混凝土板在爆炸荷载下的动态破坏过程分析. 工程力学, 2018, 35(8): 79-90.

302. 张晓平, 王思敬, 刘泉声. 一种测量岩石压缩裂纹扩展过程声波波速的连续测量方法.工程地质学报, 2018, 26(1): 91-96.

303. 张程远, 张静, 刘泉声, 赵军. 非接触式围岩内部位移量测系统的试验研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2018, (A01): 3481-3488.

304. 刘泉声, 刘琪, 刘学伟, 孙磊, 张晓波, 纪杰. 楔刀作用下软硬互层岩体贯入破坏试验研究. 岩土力学, 2017, 38(7): 1849-1855.

305. 李建朋,聂庆科,刘泉声,贾向新.唐山市岩溶地面塌陷稳定性评价的Logistic回归模型[J].岩土力学,2017,38(S2):250-256.DOI:10.16285/j.rsm.2017.S2.035.

306. 刘泉声, 魏莱, 雷广峰, 刘琪, 彭星新, 刘鹤. 砂岩裂纹起裂损伤强度及脆性参数演化试验研究. 岩土工程学报, 2017, 11: 1-8.

307. 李建朋,聂庆科,刘泉声,于俊超.基于权重反分析的岩溶地面塌陷危险性评价方法研究[J].岩土力学,2018,39(04):1395-1400.DOI:10.16285/j.rsm.2016.1048.

308. 刘泉声, 彭星新, 雷广峰, 王俊涛, 张静, 肖龙鸽. 特大断面浅埋暗挖隧道十字岩柱开挖技术模型试验研究. 岩土力学, 2017, 38(10): 2780-2788.

309. 刘泉声, 蒋亚龙, 何军. 非连续变形分析的精度改进方法及研究趋势. 岩土力学, 2017, 38(06): 1746-1761.

310. 刘泉声, 雷广峰, 彭星新, 魏莱, 刘建平, 潘玉丛. 锚杆锚固对节理岩体剪切性能影响试验研究及机制分析. 岩土力学, 2017, (S1): 33-41.

311. 黄兴, 刘泉声, 彭星新, 雷广峰, 魏莱. 引大济湟工程TBM挤压大变形卡机计算分析与综合防控. 岩土力学, 2017, 38(10): 2962-2972.

312. 刘泉声,魏 莱,刘学伟,刘建平,潘玉丛,基于 Griffith 强度理论的岩石裂纹起裂经验预测方法研究,岩石力学与工程学报,201736(7)1561-1569. DOI: 10.13722/j.cnki.jrme.2016.0398

313. 刘泉声,王俊涛,肖龙鸽,李继超,刘 滨,张晓磊,OFDR 光纤传感技术在十字岩柱暗挖法物理模型试验中的应用,岩石力学与工程学报,201736(5)1063-1075. DOI:10.13722//j.cnki.jrme.2016.0956

314. 刘泉声,雷广峰,卢超波,彭星新,张静,王俊涛,注浆加固对岩体裂隙力学性质影响的实验研究,岩石力学与工程学报,201736(S1)3140-3147. DOI:10.13722/j.cnki.jrme.2016.0459

315. 刘泉声,刘建平,时 凯,潘玉丛,黄 兴,刘学伟,魏 莱,评价岩石脆性指标对滚刀破岩效率的影响. 岩石力学与工程学报,201635(3)498-510DOI10.13722/j.cnki.jrme.2015.0569.

316. 刘泉声,雷广峰,彭星新,深部裂隙岩体锚固机制研究进展与思考,岩石力学与工程学报,201635(2)312-332DOI10.13722/j.cnki.jrme.2015.0203.

317. 刘泉声,崔先泽,张程远. 基于变孔隙率的多孔介质中悬浮颗粒沉积渗透率衰减模型研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2016, 35(A01): 3308-3314.

318. 刘泉声, 雷广峰, 肖龙鸽, 王俊涛, 张静. 十字岩柱法隧道开挖地质力学模型试验研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2016, 35(5): 919-927.

319. 刘泉声,刘建平,时凯,潘玉丛,黄兴,刘学伟,魏莱. 评价岩石脆性指标对滚刀破岩效率的影响. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2016, 35(3): 498-510.

320. 刘泉声, 刘建平, 潘玉丛, 孔晓璇, 崔先泽, 黄诗冰, 魏莱. 硬岩隧道掘进机性能预测模型研究进展. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2016, (A01): 2766-2786.

321. 刘泉声, 潘玉丛, 刘建平, 孔晓璇, 时凯, 刘琪. 常截面滚刀贯入试验中岩石破坏行为分析. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2016, (A02): 3516-3525.

322. 刘泉声, 潘玉丛, 孔晓璇, 刘建平, 时凯, 崔先泽等. TBM滚刀贯入过程中泥岩破坏特征试验研究. 岩土力学, 2016, (A01): 166-174.

323. 刘泉声, 何军, 吴月秀. 数值流形方法接触检索算法的改进. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2016, 35(1): 40-49.

324. 刘泉声, 黄诗冰, 康永水, 刘建平. 裂隙冻胀压力及对岩体造成的劣化机理初步研究, 岩土力学. 2016, 37(6): 1530-1541.

325. 刘泉声, 黄诗冰, 康永水, 潘玉丛. 低温饱和岩石未冻水含量与冻胀变形模型研究, 岩石力学与工程学报. 2016, 35(10): 2000-2012.

326. 刘泉声, 周越识, 卢超波, 张建明. 含裂隙泥岩注浆前后力学特性试验研究. 采矿与安全工程学报, 2016, 33(3): 509-514.

327. 黄兴, 刘泉声, 康永水, 潘玉丛. 砂质泥岩三轴卸荷蠕变试验研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2016(A01): 2653-2662.

328. 刘学伟, 刘泉声, 刘建平, 魏莱. 复杂应力条件下裂隙网络扩展机制试验研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2016, 35(A02): 3662–3670.

329. 刘泉声,崔先泽,张程远. 多孔介质中悬浮颗粒迁移-沉积特性研究进展. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2015, 34(12): 2410-2427.

330. 刘泉声,黄兴,刘建平,潘玉丛.深部复合地层围岩与TBM的相互作用及安全控制[J].煤炭学报,2015,40(06):1213-1224.DOI:10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2014.3041.

331. 刘泉声,崔先泽,张程远. 多孔介质中沉积颗粒脱离特性试验研究. 岩土工程学报, 2015, 37(4): 747-754.

332. 刘泉声, 黄诗冰, 康永水, 潘阳, 崔先泽. 低温冻结岩体单裂隙冻胀力与数值计算研究. 岩土工程学报, 2015, 37(9): 1572-1580.

333. 刘泉声, 黄诗冰, 康永水, 黄兴. 岩体冻融疲劳损伤模型与评价指标研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2015, 34(6): 1116-1127.

334. 刘泉声, 黄诗冰, 康永水, 崔先泽. 裂隙岩体冻融损伤研究进展与思考. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2015, 34(3): 452-471.

335. 刘泉声, 黄诗冰, 崔先泽, 龚光庆, 陈根生. 深井煤矿硐室底臌控制对策与监测分析. 岩土力学, 2015, 36(12): 3506-3515.

336. 黄兴, 刘泉声, 刘滨, 刘学伟, 崔先泽. TBM围岩挤压大变形特性分析与等级划分. 采矿与安全工程学报, 2015, 32(2): 260-266.

337. 黄兴, 刘泉声, 刘恺德, 康永水, 刘学伟. 深部软弱地层TBM掘进围岩变形破坏特性室内试验研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2015, 34(1): 76-92.

338. 孔晓璇, 刘泉声, 赵怡凡, 潘玉丛, 刘建平. 节理倾角对岩石隧道掘进机破岩特性影响的数值研究. 煤炭学报, 2015, 40(6): 1257-1262.

339. 刘学伟, 刘泉声, 陈元, 李强. 裂隙形式对岩体强度特征及破坏模式影响的试验研究. 岩土力学, 2015, 36(A02): 208-214.

340. 朱元广, 刘泉声, 蒋景东, 薛俊华. 三向压力盒的嵌入效应及其应力测量特性模拟. 岩土力学, 2015, 36(9): 2728-2736.

341. 朱元广, 刘泉声, 蒋景东, 黄用世. 水泥砂浆体中三向压力传感器的测量特性. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2015, 34(9):1877-1885.

342. 唐志成, 刘泉声. 考虑微凸体变形相互作用的节理闭合变形模型. 岩土工程学报, 2015, 37(5): 853-859.

343. 唐志成, 刘泉声. 节理的剪切强度准则和剪切分量Ⅰ:剪切强度准则. 岩土工程学报, 2015, 37(2): 292-298.

344. 张建明, 唐志成, 刘泉声. 点荷载强度指数估算与岩浆岩的单轴压缩强度的关系. 岩土力学, 2015, (A02): 595-602.

345. 黄兴, 潘玉丛, 刘建平, 刘泉声. TBM掘进围岩挤压大变形机理与本构模型. 煤炭学报, 2015, 40(6): 1245-1256.

346. 刘学伟, 魏莱, 雷广峰, 刘泉声. 复合地层TBM双滚刀破岩过程数值流形模拟研究. 煤炭学报, 2015, 40(6): 1225-1234.

347. 刘泉声, 黄兴, 时凯, 朱元广. 深部挤压性地层TBM掘进卡机孕育致灾机理. 煤炭学报, 2014, 39(A01): 75-82.

348. 刘泉声, 刘恺德, 卢兴利, 朱杰兵. 高应力下原煤三轴卸荷力学特性研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2014, (A02): 3429-3438.

349. 刘泉声, 卢超波, 刘滨, 卢兴利. 考虑温度及水化时间效应的水泥浆液流变特性研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2014, (A02): 3730-3740.

350. 刘泉声, 刘学伟. 多场耦合作用下岩体裂隙扩展演化关键问题研究. 岩土力学, 2014, 35(2): 305-320.

351. 刘泉声,崔先泽,张程远. 粒径对多孔介质中悬浮颗粒迁移-沉积特性的影响. 岩土工程学报, 2014, 36(10): 1777-1783.

352. 刘泉声, 屈家旺, 柳志平, 何军. 侵蚀影响下水泥土的力学性质试验研究. 岩土力学, 2014, 35(12): 3377-3384.

353. 刘泉声, 刘恺德, 朱杰兵, 卢兴利. 高应力下原煤三轴压缩力学特性研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2014, 33(1): 24-34.

354. 刘泉声, 卢超波, 刘滨, 刘学伟. 深部巷道注浆加固浆液扩散机理与应用研究. 采矿与安全工程学报, 2014, 31(3): 333-339.

355. 黄兴, 刘泉声, 刘滨, 刘恺德, 黄诗冰. 深部软弱地层TBM围岩力学行为试验研究. 煤炭学报, 2014, 39(10): 1977-1986.

356. 唐志成, 刘泉声, 夏才初, 吴月秀, 黄继辉, 王春波. 确定岩石节理Maksimovic峰值抗剪强度准则中粗糙度角的新方法. 岩土力学, 2014, 35(2): 551-555.

357. 唐志成, 刘泉声, 黄继辉, 刘小燕. 改进的 Maksimovic 峰值剪切强度准则的试验验证. 岩土力学, 2014, (A01): 233-237.

358. 唐志成, 刘泉声, 刘小燕. 节理的剪切力学性质与含三维形貌参数的剪切强度准则比较研究. 岩土工程学报, 2014, 35(5): 873-879

359. 刘学伟, 刘泉声, 卢超波, 黄兴. 温度-应力耦合作用下岩体裂隙扩展的数值流形方法研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2014, 33(7): 1432–1441.

360. 刘学伟, 刘泉声, 刘滨, 潘玉丛. 侧向压力对裂隙岩体破坏形式及强度特征影响的试验研究. 煤炭学报, 2014, 39(12): 2405-2411.

361. 吴月秀, 刘泉声, 李金兰, 何军. 节理迹长与隙宽相关性对裂隙岩体水力学特性的影响.岩石力学与工程学报, 2014, (A02): 3555-3562.

362. 屈家旺, 刘泉声, 何军, 柳志平. 泥岩弹塑性损伤愈合模型研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2014(A01): 3192-3197.

363. 陈礼彪, 刘泉声, 张国华, 张晓炜. 非可溶岩隧道突涌灾害预测研究及工程应用. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2014, 33(4): 786-796.

364. 张芳, 刘泉声, 张程远, 蒋景东. 流变应力恢复法地应力测试及装置. 岩土力学, 2014, 35(5), 1506-1513.

365. 张伟, 刘泉声. 基于剪切试验的预应力锚杆变形性能分析. 岩土力学, 2014, 35(8): 2231-2240.

366. 陈礼彪, 刘泉声, 车爱兰. 一种新的块体接触检测技术及在非连续变形分析方法中的应用. 上海交通大学学报, 2014, 48(6): 888-892.

367. 赵军, 张程远, 刘泉声. 水源热泵回灌井悬浮颗粒运移和沉积物理特性试验模型研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2014, 33(2): 257-263.

368. 王水林, 郑宏, 刘泉声, 郭明伟, 葛修润. 应变软化岩体分析原理及其应用. 岩土力学, 2014, 35(3): 609-622.

369. 沈华章, 王水林, 刘泉声. 模拟应变软化岩石三轴试验过程曲线. 岩土力学, 2014, 35(6): 1647-1654.

370. 刘泉声,刘学伟,黄兴,刘滨,深井软岩破碎巷道底臌原因及处置技术研究,煤炭学报,201338(4)566-571.

371. 刘泉声,时凯,朱元广,黄兴,TBM盘形滚刀破岩力计算模型研究, 煤炭学报. 201338(7)1136-1142.

372. 刘泉声,时凯,黄兴,TBM应用于深部煤矿建设的可行性及关键科学问题[J]. 采矿与安全工程学报. 201330(5)633-641.

373. 刘恺德,刘泉声,在巴西劈裂和单轴压缩试验中考虑煤层沉积面直接影响的实验研究,岩石力学与工程学报,201332(2)308-316.

374. 赵军,刘泉声,张程远.水源热泵井回灌堵塞颗粒迁移模型的建立[J].岩土力学,2013,34(11):3249-3253. DOI:10.16285/j.rsm.2013.11.041.

375. 刘泉声等,超千米深部隧道全断面掘进机的挤压机理,煤炭学报,201338(1)78-84.

376. 卢兴利,刘泉声,苏培芳.考虑扩容碎胀特性的岩石本构模型研究与验证[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2013,32(09):1886-1893.

377. 刘恺德,刘泉声,朱元广,刘滨.考虑层理方向效应煤岩巴西劈裂及单轴压缩试验研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2013,32(02):308-316.

378. 刘泉声,黄兴,时凯,刘学伟.超千米深部全断面岩石掘进机卡机机理[J].煤炭学报,2013,38(01):78-84.DOI:10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2013.01.026.

379. 卢兴利,刘泉声,苏培芳,崔文泰.潘二矿松软破碎巷道群大变形失稳机理及支护技术优化研究[J].岩土工程学报,2013,35(S1):97-102.

380. 赵军,张程远,刘泉声.地下水源热泵砂层阻塞试验研究()[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2013,32(S2): 3363-3369.

381. 刘泉声,卢超波,卢海峰,刘学伟.断层破碎带深部区域地表预注浆加固应用与分析[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2013,32(S2):3688-3695.

382. 康永水,刘泉声,岩石冻结变形特征与寒区隧道冻结变形模拟研究,岩石力学与工程学报,201231(12)2518-2526.

383. 刘泉声,刘学伟,裂隙岩体温度场数值流形方法初步研究,岩土工程学报,201335(4)635-642.

384. 刘泉声等,地面预注浆加固深部断层破碎带的应用分析,岩石力学与工程学报,201332(S2) 3688-3695.

385. 刘泉声 ,柳志平 , ,贾瑞华,水泥土在侵蚀环境中的试验研究和等效分析, 岩土力学, 201334(7)1854-1860.

386. 卢兴利,刘泉声,岩石扩容-碎胀效应本构模型及其标定,岩石力学与工程学报,201332(9) 1886-1893.

387. 刘学伟,刘泉声,裂隙岩体热水耦合效应的数值流形方法研究,四川大学学报(工程科学版)201345(S2): 77-83.

388. 卢海峰,刘泉声,陈从新, 反倾岩质边坡悬臂梁极限平衡模型的改进, 岩土力学, 201233(2)577-584.

389. 赵军,刘泉声,张程远.U型地源热泵系统热--力学耦合模型研究[J].岩土力学,2012,33(S2):1-6.DOI: 10.16285/j.rsm.2012.s2.044.

390. 柳志平,刘泉声,程勇,贾瑞华,蒋景东.卸荷土体本构模型选用及其参数的确定——以港珠澳大桥拱北隧道明挖段基坑为例[J].岩土工程学报,2012,34(S1):197-202.

391. 郭建伟,刘泉声,杨战标,刘滨.平顶山矿区深部大规模松软围岩巷道支护技术[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2012,31(S2):3904-3910.

392. 刘泉声,赵军,张程远.考虑尺寸排除效应颗粒迁移模型的建立[J].岩土力学,2012,33(08):2265-2268. DOI:10.16285/j.rsm.2012.08.003.

393. 刘泉声,刘恺德,淮南矿区深部地应力场特征研究[J]. 岩土力学,201233(7)2089-2096.

394. 刘泉声、黄兴、时凯、刘学伟,煤矿超千米深部全断面岩石巷道掘进机的提出及关键岩石力学问题,煤炭学报201237(12) : 2006-2013.

395. 刘泉声,康永水,黄兴,徐朝政. 裂隙岩体冻融损伤关键问题及研究状况. 岩土力学,201233(4)971-978.

396. 刘泉声,肖虎,卢兴利,崔文泰.高地应力破碎软岩巷道底臌特性及综合控制对策研究[J].岩土力学,2012,33(06):1703-1710.DOI:10.16285/j.rsm.2012.06.024.

397. 吴月秀,刘泉声,卢海峰,李金兰.UDECSaeb-Amadei节理本构模型的二次开发[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2012,31(S1):3022-3030.

398. 张伟,刘泉声.节理岩体锚杆的综合变形分析[J].岩土力学,2012,33(04):1067-1074.DOI:10.16285/j.rsm. 2012.04.009.

399. 赵军,刘泉声,张程远.水源热泵回灌困难颗粒阻塞试验研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2012,31(03): 604-609.

400. 刘泉声,康永水,刘小燕,冻结岩体单裂隙应力场分析及热力耦合模拟,岩石力学与工程学报,201130(2)217–223.

401. 刘泉声,吴月秀,刘滨,应力对裂隙岩体等效渗透系数影响的离散元分析,岩石力学与工程学报,201130(1)176-183

402. 刘泉声,时凯,黄兴,临近巷道掘进扰动效应下巷道变形监测分析,煤炭学报,201136(6).

403. 刘泉声,康永水,刘滨,朱元广,裂隙岩体水-冰相变及低温温度场-渗流场-应力场耦合研究,岩石力学与工程学报,201130(11).

404. 刘泉声,康永水,白云强,顾桥煤矿深井岩巷破碎软弱围岩支护方法探索,岩土力学,201132(10).

405. 刘泉声,时凯,康永水,黄兴,深井煤矿中央水泵房二次衬砌监测分析,岩石力学与工程学报,201130(8).

406. 刘滨,刘泉声.岩爆孕育发生过程中的微震活动规律研究[J].采矿与安全工程学报,2011,28(02):174- 180.

407. 袁亮,薛俊华,刘泉声,刘滨.煤矿深部岩巷围岩控制理论与支护技术[J].煤炭学报,2011,36(04):535-543. DOI:10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2011.04.014.

408. 刘泉声,付建军,考虑桩土效应的双排桩模型及参数研究,岩土力学,201132(2)481-486.

409. 刘泉声,张伟,卢兴利等,断层破碎带大断面巷道的安全监控与稳定性分析,岩石力学与工程学报,201029(10).

410. 吕颖慧,刘泉声,江浩.基于高应力下花岗岩卸荷试验的力学变形特性研究[J].岩土力学,2010,31(02): 337-344.DOI:10.16285/j.rsm.2010.02.039.

411. 刘泉声,卢兴利,煤矿深部巷道破裂围岩非线性大变形及支护对策研究, 岩土力学,201031(10).

412. 刘泉声,白山云,肖春喜,高玮,基于现场监控量测的龙潭隧道施工期围岩稳定性研究,岩石力学与工程学报,200726(10).

413. 刘泉声,胡云华,刘滨,基于试验的花岗岩渐进破坏本构模型研究,岩土力学,200930(2)

414. 张召千,徐明德,刘泉声.煤巷围岩稳定性加权平均评价方法研究[J].岩土力学,2009,30(11):3464-3468. DOI:10.16285/j.rsm.2009.11.006.

415. 付建军,刘泉声,刘宾.基于数理统计的巷道塑性区边界分析[J].采矿与安全工程学报,2009,26(01):70-73.

416. 卢兴利,刘泉声,吴昌勇,赵军.断层破裂带附近采场采动效应的流固耦合分析[J].岩土力学,2009,30 (S1):165-168.DOI:10.16285/j.rsm.2009.s1.017.

417. 卢兴利,刘泉声,张伟,付建军.高应力软岩非弹性体积增加试验研究[J].煤炭学报,2009,34(07):903-906.

418. 吕颖慧,刘泉声,胡云华.基于花岗岩卸荷试验的损伤变形特征及其强度准则[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2009,28(10):2096-2103.

419. 林传年,刘泉声,高玮,肖春喜.光纤传感技术在锚杆轴力监测中的应用[J].岩土力学,2008(11): 3161-3164.DOI:10.16285/j.rsm.2008.11.052.

420. 张华,刘建,李鹏,刘泉声.深部岩巷稳定性控制方法及实例研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2008(S2): 3913-3918.

421. 张秀丽,焦玉勇,刘泉声,刘宝莉.节理对爆炸波传播影响的数值研究[J].岩土力学,2008(03):717-721. DOI:10.16285/j.rsm.2008.03.001.

422. 刘泉声,白山云,肖春喜,高玮.基于现场监控量测的龙潭隧道施工期围岩稳定性研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2007(10):1982-1990.

423. 张秀丽,焦玉勇,刘泉声,陈卫忠.用改进的DDA方法模拟公路隧道的稳定性[J].岩土力学,2007(08): 1710-1714.DOI:10.16285/j.rsm.2007.08.012.

424. 杨永香,刘泉声,焦玉勇.龙潭隧道的流固耦合分析[J].采矿与安全工程学报,2006(03):268-271.

425. 刘泉声,张华,林涛,煤矿深部岩巷围岩稳定与支护对策,岩石力学与工程学报,200423(21).

426. 刘泉声,徐光苗, 光纤测量技术在岩土工程中的应用,岩石力学与工程学报,200423(2).

427. 戴永浩,陈卫忠,刘泉声,易小明.深部高地应力巷道断面优化研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2004(S2):4960-4965.

428. 肖春喜,张华,刘泉声.紧邻边坡建筑物基础软托换及边坡喷锚网加固技术[J].岩土力学,2004(05): 835-838.DOI:10.16285/j.rsm.2004.05.037.

429. 张程远,席道瑛,刘泉声.快速模拟退火淬火反演研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2004(S2):4984-4987.

430. 刘泉声,张华, 对煤矿深部围岩稳定与支护几个关键问题的认识,岩石力学与工程学报,2003,增(2).

431. 刘泉声,张华.对煤矿深部岩巷围岩稳定与支护几个关键问题的认识[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2003 (S1):2195-2200.

432. 朱维申,李术才,白世伟,刘泉声.施工过程力学原理的若干发展和工程实例分析[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2003(10):1586-1591.

433. 刘泉声,陈刚, 花岗岩时-温等效原理的进一步验证,岩石力学与工程学报,200322(11)

434. 刘泉声,王崇革, 岩石时-温等效原理的理论与实验研究——第一部分:岩石时-温等效原理的热力学基础,岩石力学与工程学报,200221(2).

435. 刘泉声,许锡昌,山口勉,长秋雄, 岩石时-温等效原理的理论与实验研究——第二部分:岩石时-温等效原理的主曲线与移位因子,岩石力学与工程学报,200221(3).

436. 王崇革,刘泉声,刘双跃,蒋宇静.单轴应力下岩石的热-粘弹塑性模型研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2002(S2):2341-2344.

437. 刘泉声,许锡昌,山口勉,长秋雄.岩石时-温等效原理的理论与实验研究——第二部分:岩石时-温等效原理主曲线与移位因子[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2002(03):320-325.

438. 刘泉声,王崇革.岩石时-温等效原理的理论与实验研究──第一部分:岩石时-温等效原理的热力学基础[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2002(02):193-198.

439. 刘亚晨,蔡永庆,刘泉声,吴玉山.温度饱和水下的裂隙岩体力学特性研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2002(02):233-237.

440. 刘泉声,许锡昌, 三峡花岗岩与温度及时间相关的力学性质试验研究,岩石力学与工程学报,200120(5).

441. 刘泉声,王志俭, -膨润土混合物膨胀力影响因素的研究,岩石力学与工程学报,200221(7).

442. 刘泉声,许锡昌, 温度作用下脆性岩石的损伤分析,岩石力学与工程学报,200019(4).

443. 黄兴、刘泉声、乔正.朱集矿深井软岩巷道大变形机制及其控制研究,岩土力学,201233(3)827-834.

444. 刘恺德,刘泉声,刘滨,龚光庆. 地质异常带巷道稳定控制对策及效果研究[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报,201130(122486-2497.

445. 徐燕萍,项阳,刘泉声,吕爱钟.等参元逆变换插值法的研究及其应用[J].岩土力学,2001(02):226-228. DOI:10.16285/j.rsm.2001.02.030.

446. 朱元广,刘泉声,张程远,时凯,岩石非线性黏弹性蠕变特性的时温等效效应,岩土力学,2012 33(8)2303-2309.

447. 康永水,刘泉声,赵军,张芳. 岩石冻胀变形特征及寒区隧道冻胀变形模拟. 岩石力学与工程学报,201231(12)2518-2526.

448. 吴月秀,刘泉声,刘小燕,岩体节理粗糙度系数与统计参数的相关关系研究,岩石力学与工程学报,2011 30(S1)2593-2598.

449. 朱元广,刘泉声,康永水,刘恺德,考虑温度效应的花岗岩蠕变损伤本构关系研究,岩石力学与工程学报,201130(9).

450. 焦玉勇,张秀丽,刘泉声,陈卫忠,用非连续变形分析方法模拟岩石裂纹扩展,岩石力学与工程学报,200726(4).

451. 徐光苗,刘泉声,彭万巍,常小晓,低温作用下岩石基本力学性质试验研究,岩石力学与工程学报,200625(12).

452. 徐光苗,刘泉声,岩石冻融破坏机理分析及冻融力学试验研究,岩石力学与工程学报,200524(17).

453. 徐光苗,刘泉声,张秀丽,冻结温度下岩体THM完全耦合的理论初步分析,岩石力学与工程学报.200423(21).

454. 刘亚晨, 刘泉声等, 岩体裂隙结构面的温度-应力-水力耦合本构关系,岩土工程学报,200224(2).

455. 刘亚晨,刘泉声,蔡永庆,吴玉山, 温度饱和水下的裂隙岩体力学特性,岩石力学与工程学报,200221(2).

456. 许锡昌,刘泉声, 高温下花岗岩基本力学性质初步研究,岩土工程学报,200022(3).

457. 刘亚晨,刘泉声,蔡永庆,吴玉山, 核废料贮库围岩介质不可逆过程热力学和热弹性,岩石力学与工程学报,200019(3).

458. 王志俭,刘泉声, 密实砂-膨润土混合物膨胀特性的试验研究,岩土力学,200021(4).

459. 焦玉勇,葛修润,刘泉声,冯树仁.三维离散单元法及其在滑坡分析中的应用[J].岩土工程学报,2000(01):104-107.