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新加坡国立大学K. K. Phoon院士学术报告会通知

发布日期:2012-11-15 作者:44118太阳成城集团 来源: 点击数:

报告题目:Multivariate Statistical Characterization of Geotechnical Parameters
报告人:新加坡国立大学K. K. Phoon院士
地点: 44118太阳成城集团力学楼学术报告厅
1. K. K. Phoon院士简介
K. K. Phoon院士主要从事岩土工程可靠度分析与风险控制、岩土工程随机模拟方法以及大规模岩土工程问题的快速迭代求解方法方面的研究。他主持了中国国家自然科学基金委员会海外及港澳学者合作研究基金(原杰青B类)以及10 余项新加坡政府研究基金和其它政府部门基金资助项目。主编及参编了16 本专著和论文集,参编了3 项美国土木工程师学会(ASCE)标准,在国际权威学术期刊Geotechnique、Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering-ASCE、Canadian Geotechnical Journal等以及国际学术会议发表了论文170 余篇,其中61 篇被SCI 检索,SCI 他引698次,单篇文章平均被引用13 次,ISI 数据库h 指数为16。1999 年发表于加拿大岩土工程学报的文章“岩土工程中的不确定性分析”已被引用152 次。
他主办及协办了44 次国际学术会议,其中18 次担任国际会议主席或副主席,应邀做过33 次大会或特邀报告。特别值得指出的是,他是2006 年美国ASCE 岩土工程分会10周年庆典大会的大会报告人(第一位亚洲区人)。其主要国际学术荣誉有:ASCE Fellow、2005 年获ASCE 历史最悠久、级别最高的科技类奖励-诺曼奖章(Norman Medal)、2007 年获美国材料试验学会(ASTM)的Hogentogler奖、2008 年获国际岩土力学计算方法与进展协会(IACMAG)地区杰出贡献奖、2008 年获新加坡交通部创新奖等。
担任国际期刊Georisk主编及11 个岩土工程领域国际主流学术期刊编委:如Geotechnique、Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering-ASCE 、Canadian Geotechnical Journal等;在16 个国际学术组织担任主席或核心成员,如新加坡岩土工程学会主席、ASCE 岩土工程分会风险评估委员会主席、国际土力学及岩土工程学会ISSMGE TC304 委员会主席、国际地质灾害中心(ICG)四位国际科技顾问之一。
2. 本次报告内容简介
This presentation was delivered previously as a keynote lecture at Fourth International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization (ISC'4), 18-21 September 2012, Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco, Brazil.
There is insufficient recognition that the uncertainties associated with geotechnical parameters are significantly different, both qualitatively and quantitatively, from those associated with structural parameters. Many geotechnical reliability-based design (RBD) codes were developed on the premise that soil is the same as steel or concrete insofar as statistical characterization is concerned. Ironically, site investigation does not appear to link to these RBD codes in a direct way, although it plays a pivotal role in geotechnical engineering practice. After all, the quality of field data and correlations must surely have a significant impact on the uncertainties associated with the design parameters. The dependencies between different field data should result in a reduction of the coefficient of variation (COV) of a design parameter. The COV is defined as the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean of a parameter. It is the most basic statistical parameter describing the uncertainty associated with a geotechnical parameter. Many geotechnical RBD codes assume that the COV of a design parameter is relatively constant and a single resistance factor is sufficient for each limit state. This is clearly overly simplistic in view of diverse site conditions and site investigation programs. Can we go beyond assigning a single COV to a geotechnical parameter without reference to the quality of the site investigation and the entire body of knowledge on soil property evaluation? The answer is a resounding “Yes”. The purpose of this presentation is to advocate that one should place emphasis on “geotechnical” consideration rather than “reliability” consideration in geotechnical RBD. Extensive databases would be presented to demonstrate that it is possible to develop more realistic RBD codes consistent with our best practice in geotechnical engineering.
The Speaker
Email: kkphoon@nus.edu.sg
Homepage: http://www.eng.nus.edu.sg/civil/people/cvepkk/pkk.html
KK Phoon is Provost's Chair Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, National University of Singapore and 光华 Chair Professor in the College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University. His current research interests include risk and reliability in geo-engineering and geohazards, fast iterative solvers for very large scale soil-structure interaction problems, and rainfall-induced landslides.
He is the recipient of numerous research awards, including the highest and most prestigious technical paper award bestowed by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the Norman Medal in 2005 and the highest research award bestowed by the National University of Singapore, the Outstanding Researcher Award in 2010. He was elected Fellow of ASCE in 2008 and elected Fellow of Academy of Engineering Singapore in 2012.
The speaker gratefully acknowledges the gracious invitation from Professor Weilie Zou (邹维列) and the generous support from Vice-President Chuang-Bing Zhou (周创兵) and Professor Dian-Qing (李典庆) of Wuhan University.