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发布日期:2022-03-03 作者: 来源: 点击数:

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主要从事计算力学与数据科学的交叉研究,探索数据驱动和机器学习方法在力学领域的创新应用。共发表学术论文30余篇,其中以第一/通讯作者在JMPS、IJSS、CMAME、npj Computational Materials、Chemistry of Materials、Applied Energy、Water Resources Research等期刊上发表论文19篇。取得的研究成果包括:(1)发展了力、热、流、电、化等多物理场耦合行为的理论和计算方法,为研究复杂环境下材料与结构的力学行为提供了理论基础和技术工具;(2)开发了基于贝叶斯模型平均的全局敏感性分析技术,有效避免了高维数据分析中的过拟合问题,该方法被欧盟联合研究中心技术团队采纳,用于欧盟的政策制定与决策;(3)利用数据挖掘技术和机器学习方法,发掘了具有极端力学性能(极端各向异性、超常泊松比、超高模量等)的晶体,拓展了杨氏模量、泊松比等基础力学性能的边界,建立了晶体结构-性能关联,揭示了导致晶体极端力学性能的微观机理,为高性能材料的设计和发掘开拓了新思路。



[1] Gao E., Li R., Fang S.,Shao Q.*, Baughman R.H.*, Bounds on the in-plane Poisson's ratios and the in-plane linear and area compressibilities for sheet crystals.Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2021, 152: 104409.

[2] Shao Q.*, Liu Y., Joule heating effect on thermal stress for a bi-material interface crack.International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2021, 226–227: 111069.

[3] Shao Q.#, Li R.#, Yue Z., Wang Y., Gao E.*, Data-driven discovery and understanding of ultrahigh-modulus crystals.Chemistry of Materials, 2021, 33(4): 1276–1284.

[4] Yang X.,Shao Q.*, Hoteit H., Carrera J., Younes A., Fahs M., Three-dimensional natural convection, entropy generation and mixing in heterogeneous porous medium.Advances in Water Resources, 2021, 155: 103992.

[5] Shao Q., Liu J., Huang Q., Yang J., Hu H.*, Belouettar S., Giunta G., A data-driven analysis on bridging techniques for heterogeneous materials and structures.Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2021, 28(1): 1–15.

[6] Jia X.#,Shao Q.#, Xu Y.#, Li R., Huang K., Guo Y., Qu C., Gao E.*, Elasticity-based-exfoliability measure for high-throughput computational exfoliation of two-dimensional materials.npj Computational Materials, 2021, 7(1): 211.

[7] Guo L., Fahs M., Hoteit H., Gao R.,Shao Q.*, Uncertainty analysis of seepage-induced consolidation in a fractured porous medium.CMES - Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, 2021, 129(1): 279–297.

[8] Ni K.#,Shao Q.#, Wang K., Wang Z.*, Theoretical optimization of functional graded micropillars for strong and durable bioinspired dry adhesion.Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2021, in press.

[9] Qian L.,Shao Q., Yu Y., Liu W., Wang S., Gao E., Zhang J.*, Spatially Confined CVD Growth of High-Density Semiconducting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Horizontal Arrays.Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 21066643.

[10] Ni K.#, Peng Q.#, Gao E.#, Wang K.,Shao Q., Huang H., Xue L., Wang Z.*, Core-shell magnetic micropillars for reprogrammable actuation.ACS Nano, 2021, 15: 4747–4758.

[11]阳杰,白晓伟,颜巍,黄威,黄群,邵倩,胡衡*,基于分层数据搜索的数据驱动算法研究.固体力学学报, 2021, 42(3): 241–248.

[12]Shao Q.*, Gao E., Mara T., Hu H., Liu T., Makradi A., Global sensitivity analysis of solid oxide fuel cells with Bayesian sparse polynomial chaos expansions.Applied Energy, 2020, 260: 114318.

[13] Li R.#,Shao Q.#, Gao E.*, Liu Z., Elastic anisotropy measure for two-dimensional crystals.Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2020, 34: 100615.

[14]阳杰,徐锐,黄群,邵倩,黄威,胡衡*,数据驱动计算力学研究进展. 固体力学学报, 2020, 41(1): 1–14.

[15] Mara T. A.*, Fahs M.,Shao Q., Younes A., Random sampling from joint probability distributions defined in a Bayesian framework.SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2019, 41: A316–A338.

[16]Shao Q., Fahs M.*, Hoteit H., Carrera J., Ackerer P., Younes A., A 3-D semianalytical solution for density-driven flow in porous media.Water Resources Research, 2018, 54: 10094–10116.

[17]Shao Q.*, Younes A., Fahs M., Mara T.A., Bayesian sparse polynomial chaos expansion for global sensitivity analysis.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2017, 318: 474–496.

[18] Huang Q., Liu Y., Hu H.*,Shao Q., Yu K., Giunta G., Belouettar S., Potier-Ferry M., A Fourier-related double scale analysis on the instability phenomena of sandwich plates.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2017, 318: 270–295.

[19] Liu Y., Liang S., Huang Q., Hu H.*, Zheng Y., Zhang H.,Shao Q., A robust Riks-like path following method for strain-actuated snap-through phenomena in soft solids.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2017, 323: 416–438.

[20]Shao Q., Bouhala L., Fiorelli D., Fahs M., Younes A., Nunez P., Belouettar S., Makradi A.*, Influence of fluid flow and heat transfer on crack propagation in SOFC multi-layered like material with anisotropic porous layers.International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2016, 78-79: 189–198.

[21]Shao Q., Fahs M.*, Younes A., Makradi A., Mara T., A new benchmark reference solution for double-diffusive convection in a heterogeneous porous medium.Numerical Heat Transfer Part B-Fundamentals, 2016, 70(5): 373–392.

[22]Shao Q., Fahs M.*, Younes A., Makradi A., A high-accurate solution for Darcy-Brinkman double-diffusive convection in saturated porous media.Numerical Heat Transfer Part B-Fundamentals, 2016, 69(1): 26–47.

[23]Shao Q., Fernández-González R., Ruiz-Morales J.C., Bouhala L., Fiorelli D., Younes A., Nunez P., Belouettar S., Makradi A.*, An advanced numerical model for energy conversion and crack growth predictions in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell units.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2015, 40(46): 16509–16520.

[24]Shao Q., Fernández-González R., Mikdam A., Bouhala L., Younes A., Nunez P., Belouettar S., Makradi A.*, Influence of heat transfer and fluid flow on crack growth in multilayered porous/dense materials using XFEM: Application to Solid Oxide Fuel Cell like material design.International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2014, 51(21-22): 3557–3569.

[25]Shao Q., Bouhala L.*, Younes A., Nunez P., Makradi A., Belouettar S., An XFEM model for cracked porous media: Effects of fluid flow and heat transfer.International Journal of Fracture, 2014, 185(1-2): 155–169.

[26] Younes A.*, Makradi A., Zidane A.,Shao Q., Bouhala L., A combination of Crouzeix-Raviart, Discontinuous Galerkin and MPFA methods for buoyancy-driven flows.International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 2014, 24(3): 735-759.

[27] Bouhala L.*,Shao Q., Koutsawa Y., Younes A., Nunez P., Makradi A., Belouettar S., An XFEM crack-tip enrichment for a crack terminating at a bi-material interface.Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2013, 102: 51–64.


[1] 固体氧化物燃料电池在裂纹影响下力-热-电化学耦合行为的数值仿真,国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持。

[2] 燃料电池电化学反应和裂纹生长的数值模拟,湖北省自然科学基金青年项目,主持。

[3] 电极材料微观结构对燃料电池电化学反应的影响研究,44118太阳成城集团自主科研青年教师资助项目,主持。

[4] 夹层结构分层屈曲现象的数值建模与仿真,44118太阳成城集团引进人才科研启动经费,主持。








担任Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering、Applied Energy等期刊审稿人。