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发布日期:2018-05-29 作者: 来源: 点击数:





























2017至今 副系主任,44118太阳成城集团工程力学系

2015至今 副教授,44118太阳成城集团工程力学系

2014 -2015 博士后,ENSTA-Paristech   (法国国立高等先进科技学校) 机械工程系







2016 研究生专业选修课《细管力学及固体力学本构》










•      形状记忆合金的疲劳性能和疲劳寿命 Fatigue   behaviors of NiTi SMA.

•      形状记忆合金的多尺度和多场耦合力学行为Multi-scale   and multi-field-coupling behaviors of SMAs.

•      固态制冷技术 Solid   refrigeration.

•      智能超材料的3D打印制造 3D printing   of smart meta-materials.


2020 国家自然科学基金面上项目,11972263,主持,镍钛合金管压缩相变制冷的超高周疲劳寿命研究”,

2017 湖北省技术创新专项(重大项目),主参,体外温控记忆合金矫形系统的关键技术研究

2016 国家自然科学基金青年基金,主持,纳米晶镍钛形状记忆合金晶粒尺寸效应及其疲劳寿命的研究

2016 国家自然科学基金重点项目,参与,形状记忆合金热-力耦合循环变形和疲劳失效行为的宏微观实验和理论研究


1.            Hao   Yin,   Mingpeng Li, Qingping Sun, “Thermomechanical coupling in cyclic phase   transition of shape memory material under periodic stressing-Experiment and   modelling”, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2020.

2.            Junyu   Chen, Hao Yin*, Qingping Sun, “Effects of grain size on fatigue crack   growth behaviors of nanocrystalline superelastic NiTi shape memory alloys”,   Acta Materialia, 2020.

3.            Kai   Huang, Qingping Sun, Chao Yu, Hao Yin*, “Deformation behaviors of   gradient nanostructured superelastic NiTi shape memory alloy”, Materials   Science & Engineering A, 2020.

4.            Chao   Yu, Tianlin Chen, Hao Yin, Guozheng Kang, Daining Fang, “Modeling the   anisotropic elastocaloric effect of textured NiMnGa ferromagnetic shape memory   alloys”, Int. J. Solids Struct. 2020.

5.            Hou   Zhiqiang, Liu Zhibo, Zhu Xiaobin, Xie Yuanlong, Yan Feifei, Yin Hao,   et.al., “Contactless treatment for scoliosis by electromagnetically   controlled shape-memory alloy rods: a preliminary study in rabbits”, European   Spine Journal, 2020.

6.            Ting   Zhou, Guozheng Kang, Hao Yin, Chao Yu, “Modeling the two-way shape   memory and elastocaloric effects of bamboo-grained oligocrystalline shape   memory alloy microwire”, Acta Materialia, 2020.

7.            Junyu   Chen, Yupeng Wu, Hao Yin*, “In situ multi-field investigation of grain   size effects on the rate-dependent thermomechanical responses of   polycrystalline superelastic NiTi”, Mater. Lett., 2019.

8.            Junyu   Chen, Qianhua Kan, Qiao Li, Hao Yin*, "Effects of grain size on   acoustic emission of nanocrystalline superelastic NiTi shape memory alloys   during fatigue crack growth", Mater. Lett., 2019.

9.            Junyu   Chen, Kuo Zhang, Qianhua Kan, Hao Yin*, and Qingping Sun*,   "Ultra-high fatigue life of NiTi cylinders for compression-based   elastocaloric cooling", App. Phys. Lett., 2019.

10.         Pan   Liu, Hao YIN* “Effect of grain size on wear resistance of   nanocrystalline NiTi shape memory alloy”, Mater. Lett. 2019.

11.         Junyu   Chen, Hao Yin*, Guozheng Kang, Qingping Sun* “Fatigue Crack Growth in   Cold-Rolled and Annealed Polycrystalline Superelastic NiTi Alloys” Acta Mech.   Solida Sin. 2018.

12.         Hao   Yin,   Yongjun He, Qingping Sun, Ziad Moumni, “Effect of grain size on fatigue   behavior of NiTi shape memory alloys”, Int. J. Fatigue 2016. 

13.         Hao   Yin,   Yongjun He, Qingping Sun. “Effect of deformation frequency on temperature and   stress oscillations in cyclic phase transition of NiTi shape memory alloy”,   Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2014.

14.         Hao   Yin,   Yan Yan, Yongzhong Huo, Qingping Sun. “Rate dependent damping of single crystal   CuAlNi shape memory alloy”, Mater. Lett. 2013.

15.         Hao   Yin and   Qingping Sun, “Temperature variation in NiTi shape memory alloy during cyclic   phase transition”, J. Mater. Eng. Perform. 2012.

16.         Yan   Yan, Hao Yin, Qingping SUN, Yongzhong Huo. “Rate dependence of   temperature fields and energy dissipations in non-static pseudoelasticity”,   Continuum Mech. Thermodyn. 2012.

17.         Yongjun   He, Hao Yin, Runhua Zhou, Qingping Sun. “Ambient effect on damping   peak of NiTi shape memory alloy”, Mater. Lett. 2010.

18.         Qingping   SUN, Han Zhao, Runhua Zhou, Dominique Saletti, Hao Yin. "Recent   advances in spatiotemporal evolution of thermomechanical fields during the   solid-solid phase transition", C. R. Mecanique 2012.

19.         Hao   Yin,   Xianfeng Huai, et. al., “An underwater intelligent detecting robot for the   inverted siphons in South-to-North Water Transfer Project”, IOP Conference   Series Earth and Environmental Science, 2021.

20.         尹颢, 陈明祥, 一种用于渡槽检测的水下行走装置, ZL 2019 1 0826477.8, 发明专利.

陈俊余, 尹颢, 一种提高镍钛合金制冷能效比和温度稳定性的方法, ZL 2018 1 1652761.X, 发明专利.


1.    尹颢, 周志勇, 陈明祥, “南水北调工程大型输水渡槽智慧检测方案的探讨”, 中国水利学会2019学术年会, 宜昌, 2019.

2.    Hao   YIN, Qi Peng, “Effects of grain size gradient on deformation behavior of   superelastic NiTi Plate”, International Conference on Physics, Mathematical   Modeling and Simulation, Beijing, 2019.

3.    Hao   YIN, Yongjun HE and QingPing SUN, “Temperature oscillation under cyclic   phase transition of NiTi shape memory alloy”, Proceedings of 23rd   International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 2012.

4.    Yongjun   HE, Hao YIN, Runhua ZHOU and Qingping SUN, “Ambient Effect on Damping   Behaviors of Nickel-Titanium Alloy”, Proceedings of the 14th Annual   Conference of HKSTAM 2009/2010, the 7th Shanghai-Hong Kong Forum on Mechanics   & Its Application. 2010.

5.    尹颢, “镍钛形状记忆合金宏观力学行为的晶粒梯度效应”, 分会场报告, 中国力学大会, 杭州, 2019.

6.    尹颢, “Effects Of Grain Size   On Fatigue And Wear Behaviors of  NiTi Shape Memory Alloy”, 分会场报告, The International   Conference on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies SMST2017, San Diego,   美国, 2017.

7.    尹颢, 高性能金属材料力学测试应用研讨会, “形状记忆合金在循环相变过程中的热力耦合效应”, 特邀报告, 中国武汉, 2016.

8.    尹颢, 何拥军, 孙庆平, “Temperature   oscillation under cyclic phase transition of NiTi shape memory alloy”, The   23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ICTAM 2012, 中国北京, 2012.

9.    尹颢, 何拥军, 孙庆平, “Temperature and   stress oscillations in cyclic phase transition of NiTi SMA”, IUTAM Symposium   on Hysteresis and pattern evolution in non-equilibrium solid-solid phase   transitions, 中国香港, 2012.

10.  尹颢, 孙庆平, “Effect of deformation   frequency on temperature stress oscillations in cyclic phase transition of   NiTi shape memory alloy”, The fifth European Conference on Structural Control   EACS 2012, 意大利热那亚,   2012.

11.  何拥军, 尹颢, 周润华, 孙庆平, “Ambient Effect on   Damping Behaviors of Nickel-Titanium Alloy”, The 14th Annual Conference of   HKSTAM 2009/2010 The 7th Shanghai-Hong Kong Forum on Mechanics & Its   Application, 中国香港, 2010.

2021   44118太阳成城集团查全性教授1977奖教金

2020   第二届全国高校混合式教学设计创新大赛三等奖

2020   44118太阳成城集团2019-2020学年本科优秀教学业绩奖

2020   44118太阳成城集团青年教师教学竞赛一等奖

2020   44118太阳成城集团微课比赛三等奖

2019   44118太阳成城集团优秀班级导师





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