
首页 > 师资队伍 > 教师队伍 > 工程力学系 > 教授 > 正文



发布日期:2018-06-04 作者: 来源: 点击数:
























博士(Ph.D.20039—20087     清华大学       固体力学

硕士(M.S.)  20039—20087     清华大学       固体力学

本科(B.S.)  19999—20037     44118太阳成城集团     工程力学



教授            20149——至今         中国       44118太阳成城集团

访问教授      201911月—20211月      新加坡    南洋理工大学

研究员          20107—20149     新加坡    高性能计算研究院

访问学者      20102—20107     美国        布朗大学

研究工程师    200810—20102    新加坡    高性能计算研究院









1.           生物力学与仿生

2.           复合材料力学

3.           微纳米力学

4.           基于3D打印技术的仿生材料制备

5.           多尺度/跨尺度/多场的计算力学等




1.           YL Chen*, Y Ma, QF   Yin, F Pan, CJ Cui, ZQ Zhang*, B Liu*, Advances in mechanics of   hierarchical composite materials. Composites Science and Technology,   2021. 214: 108970.

2.           ZZ Li, P Liu, XX   Liang, J Lei, XB Zhu*, ZQ Zhang*, L Cai, Loss of longitudinal   superiority marks the microarchitecture deterioration of osteoporotic   cancellous bones. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 2021.

 (DOI: 10.1007/s10237-021-01491-z).

3.           FB Bing, CWeir, PLiu,   YDen, ZQ Zhang*, SB Zhu*, Biomechanical finite element analysis of   typical tibiotalar arthrodesis. Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices,   2021. 11: 100087.

4.           W Lin#, P Liu#, S Li,   J Tian, W Cai, X Zhang, J Peng, C Miao, H Zhang, P Gu, Z Wang, ZQ Zhang*,   Tianzhi Luo*, Multi-scale design of the chela of the hermit crab   Coenobita brevimanus, Acta Biomaterialia, 2021, 127: 229-241.

5.           YN Yuan*, Q Zhang, XY   Li, Q Wuyun, ZQ Zhang*, Effective Method for Measuring Shear   Nonlinearity of Nanocomposites Using Digital Image Correlation. Journal of   Nondestructive Evaluation, 2021. 40(3): 60.

6.           S Li#, P Liu#, W Lin,   J Tian, C Miao, X Zhang, R Zhang, J Peng, H Zhang, P Gu, ZQ Zhang, Z   Wang*, Tianzhi Luo*, Optimized Hierarchical Structure and Chemical Gradients   Promote the Biomechanical Functions of the Spike of Mantis Shrimps. ACS   Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021. 13(15): 17380-17391.

7.           Y Yuan*, X Li, ZQ   Zhang, W Liu*, Thin/thick-ply hybrid gradient laminate for low-velocity   impact and compression-after-impact behaviors. Composites Communications,   2021(25):100743.

8.           YN Yuan*, XY Li, Q Zhang, P Liu, and ZQ   Zhang*, Dependence of damage modes on the ply-thickness of ultra-thin-ply   composites. Composites Part C: Open Access, 2021(4): 100105.

9.           温轶,原亚南,张作启*. 矿物凸起在贝壳珍珠母界面中摩擦耗能机理的研究,固体力学学报2021,   42(1):45-52.

10.     K   Geng, W Xie, B Chen, Q Yin, YN. Yuan*, and ZQ Zhang*.   Failure simulation and design optimization of bioinspired heterogeneous   interfaces by Floquet-based bar-spring model. Composite Structures,   2020. 252:112665.

11.       YN   Yuan*, K.M. Niu, and ZQ Zhang*. Compressive damage mode manipulation   of fiber-reinforced polymer composites. Engineering Fracture Mechanics,   2020. 223:106799.

12.       YN   Yuan*, Q Zhang, C Sheng, and ZQ Zhang. Theoretical Model of Caustics   Method for the Interfacial Cracks. Engineering Fracture Mechanics,   2020: 107006.

13.       QF   Yin, K Geng, YN Yuan, and ZQ Zhang*. A potential high-throughput route   to collagen-mimicked carbon nanotube fiber via domino pushing and ion   bombardment. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2020. 87(6): 061008.

14.       P   Liu, XX Liang, ZZ Li, XB Zhu, ZQ Zhang*, and L Cai. Decoupled   effects of bone mass, microarchitecture and tissue property on the mechanical   deterioration of osteoporotic bones. Composites Part B: Engineering,   2019. 177: 107436.

15.       W   Xie, YN Yuan*, ZQ Zhang*. A Floquet-based bar-spring   model for the dynamic modulus of bioinspired composites with arbitrary   staggered architectures. Journal of Applied Mechanics,   2019, 86(9):091007.

16.       ZZ   Wang*, K Wang, HB Huang*, X Cui, XM Shi, XQ Ma, B Li, ZQ Zhang*, XH   Tang, MYM Chiang. Bioinspired wear-resistant and ultradurable functional   gradient coatings. Small, 2018, 14(41): 1802717.

17.     M Lin, W Xie, XY Sun, ZQ   Zhang*. Load-transfer and failure   behaviors of crosslinked interfaces in collagen-mimic carbon nanotube bundles. International Journal   of Mechanical Sciences, 2018. 135: 376-382.

18.     C Zha, JH Hu, AN Li, SY   Huang, HX Liu, G Chen, ZQ Zhang, B Li*, ZZ Wang*. Nanoindentation   study on mechanical properties and curing depth of dental resin   nanocomposites. Polymer Composites, 2018. 40(4):1473-1480.

19.     G Chen, AN Li, HX Liu, SY   Huang, ZQ Zhang, W Liu, C Zha, B Li*, ZZ Wang*. Mechanical and dynamic   properties of resin blend and composite systems: A molecular dynamics study. Composite   Structures, 2018. 190: 160-168.

20.     Z Wang*, X Shi, H Huang*, C   Yao, W Xie, C Huang, P Gu, X Ma, ZQ Zhang and L-Q Chen. Magnetically   actuated functional gradient nanocomposites for strong and ultra-durable   biomimetic interfaces/surfaces. Materials Horizons, 2017, 4(5):869-877.  

21.     M Qwamizadeh, ZQ Zhang*,   K Zhou*, YW Zhang. Bounds for the dynamic modulus of unidirectional   composites with bioinspired staggered distributions of platelets. Composite   Structures, 2017, 167:152-165.

22.     M Qwamizadeh, ZQ Zhang*,   K Zhou*, YW Zhang. Protein viscosity, mineral fraction and staggered   architecture cooperatively enable the fastest stress wave decay in   load-bearing biological materials. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior   of Biomedical Materials, 2016, 60:339-355.

23.     M Qwamizadeh, ZQ Zhang*,   K Zhou*, YW Zhang. Hierarchical Structure Enhances and Tunes the Damping   Behavior of Load-Bearing Biological Materials. Journal of Applied Mechanics,   2016, 83(5):051009-051009.

24.     XY Sun, ZQ Zhang*, YJ   Xu, YW Zhang. An elastic model for bioinspired design of carbon nanotube   bundles. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2015:1-11.

25.     M Qwamizadeh, ZQ Zhang,   K Zhou, YW Zhang. On the relationship between the dynamic behavior and   nanoscale staggered structure of the bone. Journal of the Mechanics and   Physics of Solids, 2015. 78(0):17-31.

26.     ZQ Zhang*, B Liu, YW Zhang, KC Hwang,   HJ Gao*. Ultra-strong collagen-mimic carbon nanotube bundles. Carbon,   2014, 77:1040-1053.

27.     T Zhang, ZQ Zhang, KS   Kim, HJ Gao. An accordion model integrating self-cleaning, strong attachment   and easy detachment functionalities of gecko adhesion. Journal of   Adhesion Science and Technology, 2014, 28(3-4):226-239.

28.     HJ Lei, ZQ Zhang*, F   Han, B Liu, YW Zhang, HJ Gao. Elastic bounds of bioinspired nanocomposites. Journal   of Applied Mechanics, 2013, 80(6):061017.

29.     ZQ Zhang, B Liu. The energy release   rate of cracked hyperelastic body under arbitrary loadings. Chinese   Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2013, 45(1):129-133.   (Invited, in Chinese)

30.     Y Cheng, ZQ Zhang, ZS   Teo. Deformation of graphene induced by adsorption of peptides: A Molecular   Dynamics study. International Journal of Applied Mechanics,   2013, 05(01): 1350007.

31.     XM Liu, ZL Liu, ZQ Zhang,   Z Zhuang, YG Wei. Nanoindentation size effect interpreted by the dislocation   nucleation mechanism. Journal of Computational and Theoretical   Nanoscience, 2013, 10(3): 71-718.

32.     MX Shi, B Liu*, ZQ Zhang   *, YW Zhang, HJ Gao. Direct influence of residual stress on the bending   stiffness of cantilever beams. Proceedings of the Royal Society A:   Mathematicl, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2012, 468(2145),   2595-2613.

33.     HF Lei, ZQ Zhang*, B   Liu*. Effect of fiber arrangement on mechanical properties of short fiber   reinforced composites. Composites Science and Technology, 2012,   72(4), 506-514.

34.     ZQ Zhang, T Zhang, YW Zhang, KS Kim,   HJ Gao. Strain-Controlled Switching of Hierarchically Wrinkled Surfaces   between Superhydrophobicity and Superhydrophilicity. Langmuir,   2012, 28(5), 2753-2760.

35.     ZQ Zhang, YW Zhang and HJ Gao. On   optimal hierarchy of load-bearing biological materials. Proceedings of   the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2011, 278(1705), 529-525.

36.     ZQ Zhang, B Liu, KC Hwang and HJ Gao.   Surface-adsorption-induced bending behaviors of graphene nanoribbons. Applied   Physical Letters, 2011, 98(12).

37.     ZQ Zhang, B Liu, Y Huang, KC Hwang   and HJ Gao. Mechanical properties of unidirectional nanocomposites with   non-uniformly or randomly staggered platelet distribution. Journal of   the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2010, 58(10), 1646-1660.

38.     ZQ Zhang, B Liu. The prediction of   axial equivalent modulus for composites reinforced by staggered alignment   discontinuous fibers. Engineering Mechanics, 2010, 2. (in   Chinese)

39.     J Wu, ZQ Zhang, B Liu,   KC Hwang and Y Huang. Numerical analyses for the atomistic-based shell theory   of carbon nanotubes. International Journal of Plasticity, 2009,   25(10), 1879-1887.

40.     ZQ Zhang, B Liu, YL Chen, HQ Jiang, Y   Huang, and KC Hwang. Mechanical properties of functionalized carbon   nanotubes. Nanotechnology, 2008, 19, 395702.

41.     B Liu, ZQ Zhang, YL   Chen. Atomistic statics approaches-- molecular mechanics, finite element   method and continuum analysis. Journal of Computational and Theoretical   Nanoscience, 2008, 5, 1-23.

42.     ZQ Zhang*, Y Zhong, B Liu, DN Fang   and KC Hwang. Mechanical properties of staggered-alignment biomimetic   composites. Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics 2008, 2008,   606-609.

43.  ZQ Zhang, F Han, YZ Chen, SH Chen.   The optimizing design model of linear luminaire of motor light. Journal   of Engineering Mathematics, 2003, 20(5), 57-64. (in Chinese)



1.         张作启, 殷其放, 耿堃, 林敏. 一种高强度、高弹性模量、优良延展性的碳纳米管纤维材料及制备方法, 2021-1-14, 中国, ZL201811107627.1. (发明专利)


1.    长骨及关节周围个性化3D截骨矫形术前智能规划系统与临床研究


2.   力学特性和缺陷效应在矿化胶原纤维多层级结构间传递的跨尺度研究


3.   力学超材料的仿生微结构设计和性能研究


4.   珍珠母多级微结构协同增强增韧机制的跨尺度计算研究,


5.   仿胶原纤维碳纳米管束的界面和排布优化设计的研究,


6.   碳纳米管纤维多层级仿生设计的理论和计算研究,、


7.   多层级承力生物材料层级间关联力学行为的研究





2013年,新加坡科技研究局研究生院博士生导师(AGS PhD Supervisorship

2011, IHPC独立研究员(IHPC Independent   Investigatorship, I^3)

2010, 张贴报告奖 (Poster Award, Gecko Workshop,   Germany














国际期刊Journal of Micromechanics and Molecular Physics副主编

国际期刊 Forces in Mechanics编委


Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids,

Nature Communications,

Soft Matter,

Acta Mechanica,

Journal of Applied Mechanics,

European Journal of Mechanics A: Solids,

Journal of Biomechanical Engineering,

Journal of Bionic Engineering,

Journal of Materials Research,

International Journal of Applied Mechanics,

Applied Physics Letters





签字:     张作启        

2021 9 14