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发布日期:2019-08-04 作者: 来源: 点击数:



王弘宇,44118太阳成城集团,44118太阳成城集团  教授/博导























7.国家自然科学基金面上项目,51378400 2014-2017,项目负责人






1.Hongyu Wang*,Wanlin Lyu, Qun Song, Dao Zhou, Xiaoling Hu, Bin Wang, Rongfan Chen. Role of weak magnetic strength in the operation of aerobic granular reactor for wastewater treatment containing ammonia nitrogen concentration gradient. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 322: 124570.

2.Wei Zhang, Ji Ou, Bin Wang, Hongyu Wang*, Qiulai He, Jianyang Song, Huining Zhang, Meiyi Tang, Lean Zhou, Yang Gao, Shiquan Sun*. Efficient heavy metal removal from water by alginate-based porous nanocomposite hydrogels: The enhanced removal mechanism and influencing factor insight. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 418: 126358.

3.Bin Wang, Xiaoling Hu, Dao Zhou, Heng Zhang, Rongfan Chen, Wenbin Guo, Hongyu Wang*, Wei Zhang, Zhenzhen Hong, Wanlin Lyu. Highly selective and sustainable clean-up of phosphate from aqueous phase by eco-friendly lanthanum cross-linked polyvinyl alcohol/alginate/palygorskite composite hydrogel beads. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 298: 126878.

4.Wanlin Lyu, Qun Song, Jian Shi, Hongyu Wang*, Bin Wang, Xiaoling Hu.Weak magnetic field affected microbial communities and function in the A/O/A sequencing batch reactors for enhanced aerobic granulation. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 266: 118537.

5.Wei Zhang, Jianyang Song, Qiulai He, Hongyu Wang*, Wanlin Lyu, Huijuan Feng, Wenqi Xiong, Wenbin Guo, Jing Wu, Ling Chen. Novel pectin based composite hydrogel derived from grapefruit peel for enhanced Cu(II) removal. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 384:121445.

6.Jianyang Song, Wei Zhang, Junfeng Gao, Xiaoling Hu, Chenlu Zhang, Qiulai He, Fei Yang, Hongyu Wang*, Xueyu Wang, Xiang Zhan. A pilot-scale study on the treatment of landfill leachate by a composite biological system under low dissolved oxygen conditions: Performance and microbial community. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 296:122344.

7.Shuxian Gao, Qiulai He, Hongyu Wang*. Research on the aerobic granular sludge under alkalinity in sequencing batch reactors: Removal efficiency, metagenomic and key microbes. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 296:122280.

8. Qiulai He, Li Chen, Shujia Zhang, Rongfan Chen, Hongyu Wang*. Hydrodynamic shear force shaped the microbial community and function in the aerobic granular sequencing batch reactors for low carbon to nitrogen (C/N) municipal wastewater treatment. Bioresource Technology, 2019,271:48-58.

9. Wei Zhang , Hongyu Wang*, Xiaoling Hu , Huijuan Feng , Wenqi Xiong , Wenbin Guo, Jinping Zhou, Ahmed Mosa, Yazhou Peng. Multicavity triethylenetetramine-chitosan/alginate composite beads for enhanced Cr(VI) removal. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 231:733-745.

10. Hongyu Wang*, Wanlin Lyu, Xiaoling Hu, Ling Chen, Qiulai He, Wei Zhang, Jianyang Song, Jing Wu. Effects of current intensities on the performances and microbial communities in a combined bio-electrochemical and sulfur autotrophic denitrification (CBSAD) system. Science of The Total Environment, 2019,694: 133775.

11.Yu Jiang, Li Wei, Kai Yang, Hongyu Wang*. Investigation of rapid granulation in SBRs treating aniline-rich wastewater with different aniline loading rates. Science of The Total Environment, 2019,646: 841-849.

12.Qiulai He, Shilu Zhang, Qun Song, Heng Zhang, Hongyu Wang*, Wei Zhang, Jianyang Song. Natural sunlight induced rapid formation of water-born algal-bacterial granules in an aerobic bacterial granular photo-sequencing batch reactor. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 359: 222-230.

13. Hongyu Wang*, Qun Song, Jing Wang, Heng Zhang, Qiulai He, Wei Zhang ,Jianyang Song, Jinping Zhou, Hui Li. Simultaneous nitrification, denitrification and phosphorus removal in an aerobic granular sludge sequencing batch reactor with high dissolved oxygen: effects of carbon to nitrogen ratios. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 642:1145-1152.

14.Qiulai He, Qun Song, Shilu Zhang, Wei Zhang, Hongyu Wang*. Simultaneous nitrification, denitrification and phosphorus removal in an aerobic granular sequencing batch reactor with mixed carbon sources: reactor performance, extracellular polymeric substances and microbial successions. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 331: 841-849.

15.Qiulai He, Li Chen, Shujia Zhang, Li Wang, Jiawen Liang, Wenhao Xia, Hongyu Wang*, Jinping Zhou. Simultaneous nitrification, denitrification and phosphorus removal in aerobic granular sequencing batch reactors with high aeration intensity: impact of aeration time. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 263: 214-222.

16.Wei Zhang, Qian Deng, Qiulai He, Jianyang Song, Shilu Zhang, Hongyu Wang*, Jinping Zhou, Huining Zhang. A facile synthesis of core-shell/bead-like poly (vinyl alcohol)/alginate@PAM with good adsorption capacity, high adaptability and stability towards Cu() removal. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 351: 462-472.

17. Qiulai He, Wei Zhang, Shilu Zhang, Zhuocheng Zou, Hongyu Wang*. Performance and microbial population dynamics during stable operation and reactivation after extended idle conditions in an aerobic granular sequencing batch reactor. Bioresource Technology, 2017,238:116-121.

18. Qiulai He, Wei Zhang, Shilu Zhang, Hongyu Wang*. Enhanced nitrogen removal in an aerobic granular sequencing batch reactor performing simultaneous nitrification, endogenous denitrification and phosphorus removal with low superficial gas velocity. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 326: 1223-1231. 

19. Yu Jiang, Li Wei, Kai Yang, Xueqing Shi, Hongyu Wang*. Rapid formation of aniline-degrading aerobic granular sludge and investigation of its microbial community succession. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 166: 1235-1243. 

20. Qiulai He, Shuxian Gao, Shilu Zhang, Wei Zhang, Hongyu Wang*. Chronic responses of aerobic granules to zinc oxide nanoparticles in a sequencing batch reactor performing simultaneous nitrification, denitrification and phosphorus removal. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 238:95-101.  

21. Qiulai He, Jun Zhou, Qun Song, Wei Zhang, Hongyu Wang*, Li Liu. Elucidation of microbial characterization of aerobic granules in a sequencing batch reactor performing simultaneous nitrification, denitrification and phosphorus removal at varying carbon to phosphorus ratios. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 241: 127-133.  



1. 马小茜, 梁沛, 王骏尧, 胡砚秋, 付涵飞,弱磁强化好氧污泥颗粒化机制及除污效能的研究, 44118太阳成城集团大学生创新创业训练计划, 国家级, 201810486065, 2018.

2. 陈莉, 梁佳文, 夏文浩, 张舒佳, 王莉, 微藻-好氧颗粒污泥共生体系除污富油,44118太阳成城集团大学生创新创业训练计划, 国家级, 201710486066, 2017.

3. 孙楚乔, 邓茜, 何威良, 杨澈, 周瑾, 生物电催化耦合接触氧化处理印染废水,44118太阳成城集团大学生创新创业训练计划, 国家级, 201710486068, 2017.

4. 冯慧娟, 熊文琪, 孙满, 郭文彬, 刘祖杰, 甲烷型自养反硝化去除地下水中硝酸盐氮的研究, 44118太阳成城集团大学生创新创业训练计划, 校级, S20182105372018.

5. 龙力, 姜宇, 朱祖福, 陈炽望, 郭华锋, 新型气提式反应器好氧颗粒污泥的形成与稳态机理研究,44118太阳成城集团大学生创新创业训练计划,国家级,2014104860612014.

6.高佳宁, 尚宇,盛旺,胡新宇,冯亦静,好氧颗粒污泥的脱氮除磷机制及机理研究,44118太阳成城集团大学生创新创业训练计划,校级,2013.

7. 姜宇, 何秋来, 邓品亚, 吴俊忠, 尚宇, 脱酚嗜盐菌处理高盐含酚废水的效能及机理研究, 44118太阳成城集团大学生创新创业训练计划, 国家级, 1210486055, 2012.

8. 官钰希, 陈佳默, 刘晨, 郑显暖, 反硝化聚磷颗粒污泥形成机制和影响因素研究, 44118太阳成城集团大学生创新创业训练计划, 国家级, 111048648, 2011.

9.王静波等, 纳米零价铁耦合自养反硝化去除水中硝酸盐污染的机理研究, 44118太阳成城集团大学生创新创业训练计划, 国家级, 101048622, 2010.

10. 王德帅, 徐恒, 田俊, 明建谱, 王静波, 反硝化聚磷菌的分离及同步脱氮除磷机理研究, 44118太阳成城集团大学生创新创业训练计划, 国家级, 091048636, 2009.



1.      2016级博士生何秋来获2019年和2018年44118太阳成城集团研究生学术创新奖一等奖、2017年44118太阳成城集团研究生学术创新奖特等奖、2016年第三届全国市政工程博士论坛优秀论文二等奖、2018年第四届全国市政工程博士论坛优秀论文三等奖

2.      2016级博士生张伟获2020年、2019年和2018年44118太阳成城集团研究生学术创新奖二等奖

3.      2017级硕士生宋群获2019年44118太阳成城集团研究生学术创新奖二等奖

4.      2018级硕士生胡晓玲获2019年44118太阳成城集团第十二届“自强杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛三等奖

5. 2014级博士生陈丹获2018年第五届“李圭白专项基金”、2016年44118太阳成城集团研究生学术创新奖一等奖、2014年王宝贞环境科技创新奖学金二等奖(协助指导)

6. 2012级博士生季斌获2015年44118太阳成城集团研究生学术创新奖二等奖、2014年44118太阳成城集团研究生学术创新奖一等奖(协助指导)



9. 指导熊文琪,冯慧娟,郭文彬,张啸林,余畅, 谢怡,曾柏添.《基于超声波耦合MPAG吸附技术的剩余污泥减量化及资源化装置》获得2019年第十二届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛一等奖.

10. 指导邓茜,何威良,杜昕,魏秀丽,冯慧娟,郭文彬,熊文琪《基于BES-BCO的偶氮类印染废水一体化处理生物反应器》获得2018年第十一届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛二等奖.

11. 指导姜宇, 吴俊忠, 何秋来, 邓品亚等. 《基于好氧颗粒污泥的高盐含酚废水处理装置》获得2013年第六届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛一等奖.

12. 指导丁占华,于义翔, 王逸珂, 蒋亚龙, 孙玲玉, 朱汭, 徐菁菁.《生物接触氧化过滤组合池装置》获得2012年第五届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛二等奖.

13. 指导帅嘉《基于群感效应和信号分子的污泥聚集体形成机理研究》获2018年44118太阳成城集团优秀学士论文.

14. 指导刘晨《颗粒污泥培养过程中污泥膨胀的控制与污泥聚集度分析》获2013年湖北省优秀学士论文.

15. 指导王静波《纳米零价铁耦合自养反硝化去除水中硝酸盐污染的机理研究》获2012年湖北省优秀学士论文.

16. 指导徐恒《连续流反应器中反硝化聚磷菌的培养》获2010年湖北省优秀学士论文.



(1) 王弘宇,徐恒, 一种在连续流反应器中富集反硝化聚磷菌的方法, 2010.10, 中国, ZL201010504991.9

(2) 王弘宇,田俊,孙宇翀,一株铁基质自养反硝化微杆菌及其应用, 2014.8.13, 中国, ZL201310139960.1

(3) 王弘宇,何秋来,一种快速培养好氧颗粒污泥的方法, 2017.9.29, 中国, ZL201510799819.3

(4) 姜宇,王弘宇,尚宇,杨开,一种脱酚嗜盐菌及其应用,2018.11.13,中国,ZL201510761411.7

(5) 王弘宇,张惠宁, 陈丹, 张伟,巯基化氧化石墨烯/聚乙烯醇大孔复合球吸附剂及其制备方法和应用, 中国,ZL201610772031.8

(6) 王弘宇,张惠宁,陈丹,张伟,一种聚乙烯醇/氨基硅烷化氧化石墨烯大孔复合球及其制备方法和应用,中国,ZL201610772033.7

(7) 王弘宇,张伟,周金平,一种海藻酸钠/聚乙烯醇@聚丙烯酰胺核壳结构凝胶球的制备方法及其应用,中国,ZL201711436540.4

(8) 王弘宇, 邓茜, 张伟, 何威良, 生物电催化耦合接触氧化反硝化过滤一体化生物反应器, 中国,ZL201810392276.7

(9) 王弘宇, 陈莉, 何秋来, 张舒佳, 夏文浩, 自然光下快速形成微藻-好氧污泥颗粒共生体系的方法, 申请号:201810373486.1





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